Elizabeth Wang was born in 1942 and received into the Catholic Church in 1968. She was an artist, housewife and mother who spent much of her time writing and speaking about prayer and the Catholic Faith. She was involved in the life of her home parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, Harpenden, particularly as a catechist. Her children are grown-up, and one of her sons is a Catholic priest. She has exhibited at the Royal Academy, and the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours. She has had solo exhibitions of religious work at Westminster Cathedral, the Bar Convent Museum (York), the Conference Rooms, St Pauls Bookshop, and at Notre Dame de France church, London. Many of her paintings are published side-by-side with her religious writings. Elizabeth Wang is the founder of Radiant Light.
She will be missed so much, but we are full of such gratitude to God for the gift of her life, and for her faith. She had such a love for Christ, for his Church, and for his Blessed Mother Mary, and this has touched us all.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during this illness. Please pray for her and for all those who mourn her now, especially our father Kin. Please pray for the continuing work and mission of Radiant Light, which was so close to her heart. With our best wishes and our prayers for you and your intentions."
The photo above is from 2011.
The photo below, of Elizabeth with her husband Kin, is from a few weeks before she died in 2016.