Radiant Light » Donate

If you have been helped by this web-site, please support our work by making a donation to Radiant Light using the button below. The web-site is provided free of charge, but this is only possible because of the generosity of benefactors.

There are many other projects we would like to begin, but we do not have the resources at present. These include: Adding another thousand pictures to the site that have already been painted and scanned; adding a full spiritual commentary to each picture from the texts of Elizabeth Wang; typing up and putting online some of the more recent writings of Elizabeth Wang from the last years of her life. Your donation will help to keep the website live and allow projects like these to come about.

We are extremely grateful for your donation, however large or small. All donations will help us to continue the work of Radiant Light, which seeks "to encourage people to grow in holiness by believing and living the Catholic faith in its fullness."


Your donation is secure, and is made through the PayPal system.

Please note:

'Radiant Light' is a non-profit-making UK company (a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. Number 3701357). It is not a UK charity, and donations made to Radiant Light are not tax-deductible and cannot be used in Gift Aid schemes.

The UK company 'Radiant Light' has wide trading objects together with two specific aims which are: "For the glory of God the Most Holy Trinity, for the honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and out of love for the Catholic Church and loyalty to the Pope and bishops in communion with him: (1) to advance the Roman Catholic religion; (2) to promote the works of Elizabeth Wang".