Radiant Light is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church. It seeks to encourage people to grow in holiness by believing and living the Catholic faith in its fullness. It was founded by Elizabeth Wang (1942-2016), at the request of Christ, and its mission is inspired by the teachings, images, and spirituality He has given her in prayer. Jesus Christ Himself is 'the radiant light of God's glory' (Heb 1:3).
Teachings in Prayer
For many years Elizabeth Wang was taught by God during prayer – at first by Christ, then by the Father and the Holy Spirit. These 'Teachings' have brought a deep knowledge of different aspects of the Catholic Faith. They speak about God, and about Heaven; then about Christ and His Church; and about grace, conversion, prayer, and souls. They are not 'new truths', but new expressions of old truths, and they rest upon the sure foundation of the teachings of the Catholic Church as held and preached in every age.
Radiant Light
Eventually, at the request of Christ, Elizabeth began to share these Teachings with others through her writings and paintings. Although she was very hesitant at first about this new task, she was given much encouragement and support when Our Lady came to visit her.
The Teachings given to Elizabeth are a gift from God for the Church. Through these Teachings Christ wants to strengthen the faith of those who believe in Him, to bring others to know and love him, and to bring people to delight in the Glory of the Holy Trinity. 'RADIANT LIGHT' is the name that Christ has given to all of the work inspired by these Teachings.
Radiant Light is Message
It is a message from Christ, a reminder of his infinite love for us. He wants to encourage us all in the practice of the Catholic Faith. He wants to renew our faith in His Church, in the sacraments, especially in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. He longs to inspire us to give our whole hearts to Him in His service, and in love for our neighbours. He wants to lead us to the Father, in the love of the Holy Spirit, to live as God's children – brothers and sisters of Mary and all the Saints of Heaven.
Radiant Light is a Body of Work
This work has been produced by Elizabeth Wang at Christ's invitation, in order to increase and illumine our faith. It is part of her response to an invitation from Christ, that she share with others the teachings and instructions he has given her. It consists of a written record of his teachings-in-prayer, together with illustrations of the prayer-images which have accompanied many of Christ's teachings. It also includes other writings and paintings produced at His request.
Radiant Light is a Movement
This movement has been started and named by Christ. It involves all those people who have been touched by the work of Elizabeth Wang and who want to encourage each other in their Catholic faith. This movement, which is very informal at the moment, will help others to renew their faith in Christ and in His Church. It will strengthen people in their different vocations to love God and to love their neighbour. It will do all this by sharing the work of Elizabeth Wang, and perhaps in other ways. The movement has a symbol or 'logo', given to Elizabeth by Christ in prayer, which can be seen below: the Sacred Host above a chalice, surrounded by the light of God's glory, encircled by the words RADIANT LIGHT. There have been a number of events (conferences, exhibitions, talks and services) at which people have been able to meet and support each other.

Catholic Orthodoxy
Elizabeth Wang has produced her works in obedience to Christ. Catholics do not need ecclesiastical permission to publish private works, even ones which claim to have their origin in teachings like this. But at each new stage Elizabeth has gone to the Church for advice, through her parish priests and area bishop, and at each new stage she has been encouraged to trust her own discernment and to continue writing, painting and speaking about her work.
Elizabeth hopes and trusts that everything she shares through her talks, writings and paintings is consistent with the Catholic Faith. Many of her books, for example 'Falling in Love’, 'How to Pray: Part One’, and 'Teachings-in-Prayer Vols 1-4’, have received Imprimaturs from the Archdiocese of Westminster, England. For many years the Jesuit priest Father John Edwards acted as an informal censor to her work. On the back cover of her book 'My Priests Are Sacred’ he wrote the following (in 1999): "I have read everything Elizabeth Wang has written which is in print, and I gladly state that there is nothing which is inconsistent with the Catholic Faith. I am happy to recommend this book to all Catholic priests, as well as to everyone who is interested in the Catholic Faith". On the back cover of her book 'The Purpose of the Priesthood' Fr Aidan Nichols O.P. wrote the following (in 2005): "I have been very impressed by the way Elizabeth Wang seeks to expand people’s sense of the mystery of the Eucharist in all its dimensions".
'Our Lady of Harpenden'
Many of the Teachings are about the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it is Mary herself who has given Elizabeth so much encouragement and support with this work. Once, after Our Lady had appeared to Elizabeth in 1990, Christ invited Elizabeth to paint her portrait and to share this image with other people. This painting is called 'Our Lady of Harpenden' – which can be seen below – and Christ wishes Our Lady to be honoured with this title.

Radiant Light is a Company
This non-profit-making British company is responsible for publishing the paintings and writings of Elizabeth Wang. The company 'Radiant Light' has wide trading objects together with two specific aims which are:
"For the glory of God the Most Holy Trinity, for the honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and out of love for the Catholic Church and loyalty to the Pope and bishops in communion with him:
- to advance the Roman Catholic religion
- to promote the works of Elizabeth Wang"
'Radiant Light' is a UK Company, no. 3701357 (Company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital).
Faithfulness to the Catholic Church
Every aspect of the work of Radiant Light, and of this website, is meant to uphold the teaching of the Catholic Church; and all those responsible for the work of Radiant Light seek to act in obedience to the Catholic Church and to their ecclesiastical superiors.