Publications » Books And Booklets
To order any of the publications from this catalogue please click on the ORDERING button here, contact St Pauls, and quote the product title or the ISBN or order code. (All products are published by ‘Radiant Light’ publishing company, which is a non-profit making company, and is part of the ‘Radiant Light’ movement).

The Purpose of the Priesthood: A Message from Christ
This recently published book contains encouragement and advice for Catholic priests. It reminds them about the central meaning of the Priesthood, and about the need to teach the Catholic Faith in its fullness. Contains reproductions of 10 colour paintings. 60 pages.
ISBN 1-902960-43-2

The Wonder of the Christian Story
Contains reproductions of thirty-four favourite paintings, each with a meditation, which express the Christian faith in a stunning new way. There are three sections: A History of Salvation; the Eucharist; and the Spiritual Journey. Useful for individuals, catechists and teachers. (The same set of paintings are shown in the video ‘The Christian Story Video', also available). 76 pages.
ISBN 1-902960-38-6

The Majesty of the Mass
Elizabeth's twenty well-known ‘Mass Paintings' are reproduced in this book, with explanatory chapters on the Holy Eucharist, and on Redemption – with Catechism and Scripture references. 85 pages. Paperback.

The Beauty of the Rosary
This is the third book of this beautiful series, and contains fifteen full-colour pictures of the Rosary, with a short meditation opposite each one. (Please note: does not contain the ‘Mysteries of Light'). 38 Pages. Paperback.

The Glory of the Holy Trinity
This beautiful book contains full-page reproductions of seventy-four oil paintings by Elizabeth: all about the life and work of the Holy Trinity, about our growth in knowledge of God. There is a full-page meditation opposite each picture. This will give encouragement and joy to anyone who wants to know more about life in Christ. 205 pages. Paperback.

The Mass Through the Eyes of Christ
A reminder, in words and pictures, of the God we worship at Mass: his beauty, holiness and glory; together with practical advice on how we can prepare for and celebrate the Mass with true reverence and gratitude. Contains colour reproductions of 48 paintings about the Mass. 405 pages. Paperback.

How to Pray (Part One: Foundations)
This popular book contains simple instruction about prayer and the Christian life. It includes why we pray in the name of Jesus, how to ‘pray' the Mass – and about the stages of the classical spiritual journey. Includes 32 colour pictures. 164 pages. Paperback.

How to Pray, Part Two: Liturgy and Morals
A companion volume to ‘How To Pray – Part One'. This explains the importance of the sacraments, and of morality, in the spiritual life. It also mentions the wonder of the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and tells about the way in which He has redeemed us. Includes 10 colour pictures. 155 pages. Paperback.

Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography
This is Elizabeth's spiritual autobiography: a story of conversion and the spiritual journey – with an account of the special mission which Christ has asked her to undertake, and with exhilarating descriptions of the joy of knowing Christ, and the Father and the Holy Spirit. With a lengthy appendix on prayer, and a helpful index. 732 pages. Paperback.

Radiant Light: How the Work Began
In a few short chapters Elizabeth explains “Radiant Light” which is a new movement initiated by Christ through her life and work, to encourage Catholics to practise the Faith and to share their Good News with other people. There are several illustrations - as well as a whole chapter about how we can meet and know the Holy Trinity. 106 pages.

My Priests are Sacred
This is a beautiful book, to encourage priests to be faithful to their vocation. It contains a selection of teachings from Christ, about the priesthood and the spiritual life. It will also be helpful to other people who treasure the Mass. Includes 64 colour pictures which illuminate the Mass, the life of prayer, and other topics. 346 pages. Paperback.

Speak about Holiness
This small booklet contains the complete text of a talk given by Elizabeth at the Radiant Light Conference in 2000 – about how we can give our hearts and lives to Christ, so that He can make us holy with His holiness. 32 pages. Paperback.

What is Jesus like?
In this little booklet Elizabeth explains what it's like to meet Jesus, in prayer, and to be invited to change, in order to please Him and to find deeper and more lasting joy. 24 pages. Paperback.

Teachings-in-Prayer, Volume One: Spiritual Training
This contains many of the teachings which Elizabeth has received from Christ in prayer. Here you can find instruction about the Catholic Faith, everyday life, prayer and the sacraments, and many associated topics. Paperback.

Teachings-in-Prayer Volume Two: Spiritual Nourishment
This contains many of the teachings which Elizabeth has received from Christ in prayer. Here you can find instruction about the Catholic Faith, everyday life, prayer and the sacraments, and many associated topics. Paperback.

Teachings-in-Prayer Volume Three: Spiritual Work
This contains many of the teachings which Elizabeth has received from Christ in prayer. Here you can find instruction about the Catholic Faith, everyday life, prayer and the sacraments, and many associated topics. Paperback.

Teachings-in-Prayer Volume Four: Spiritual Life
This contains many of the teachings which Elizabeth has received from Christ in prayer. Here you can find instruction about the Catholic Faith, everyday life, prayer and the sacraments, and many associated topics. Paperback.

Teachings-in-Prayer Volume Five: Spiritual Peace
This contains many of the teachings which Elizabeth has received from Christ in prayer. Here you can find instruction about the Catholic Faith, everyday life, prayer and the sacraments, and many associated topics. Paperback.