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The Father accepts our gifts of bread and wine, as if leaning from Heaven like a kind parent taking gifts from a child. The greatest gift we can offer is Christ Himself made Present when our gifts are changed into His Sacred Body and Blood.
Whenever we 'show' the Lord in Prayer all our problems, hopes, sins, and resolutions, we make acts of trust in Him. By such acts, we are building a stairway which brings us even closer to Him - by His grace.
Christ looks on with wonder at the doctor who has repented of the abortions he did, and who bravely speaks out about the sanctity of human life and its importance from the moment of conception.
If we realise the magnificence of Christ's love, and Christ's glory, in His Presence amongst us, we will be encouraged to act reverently in church, and to see that we are all sinners before Him.
We need to trust in Christ in all difficulties, and value His Will and His opinion above all. We allow His light to shine powerfully from our lives when we have removed all 'obstacles'.
In our misery and sin, we are like people trapped underground in a coal-mine. Some have no idea of life above ground. Yet no-one can be rescued who does not realise that he needs to be rescued.
Christ's love for each of us is never-ending and tender. Things go wrong in the spiritual life when people begin to hide themselves from Christ by sin or despondency.
Heaven was represented as a huge flower, at the heart of which was a beautiful, perfumed, dazzling sanctuary. Hell is the opposite: like a collection of dead flowers close by the earth, all damp and decaying, all colour and beauty gone, replaced by a repulsive sight.
From the glory of Heaven, God has made a bridge to earth, through Christ, so that all who believe in Him and are baptised can have a sure hope of reaching Heaven. He is the only bridge, open to all people.
There is only one way to Heaven - Christ Himself. By Baptism, each person enters the 'bridge', the safe way to Heaven. Some people who have not yet found the bridge, but who are making their way towards it, can be helped by God to reach Heaven, but there is no bridge but Christ.
Mary was conceived Immaculate. By her behaviour and attitudes she was going to influence the Son of God. It was fitting that she was able to provide, by her holiness and purity, a fitting 'pattern' for her son, as He developed in His human nature - even as he remained the same Divine Person.
Even if we try to serve God with wholehearted love, it can seem as if our spiritual life is lived in a 'tunnel' of interior darkness, until the moment of 'breakthrough' into the light, brought about by God.
Those who, for love of God, have endured spiritual darkness in patience are brought at last to 'fly' in prayer far above everyday concerns. No-one reaches such blissful contemplation except those who rise up through the grace of Christ. It cannot be achieved by merely human efforts.
God's graces are pouring out upon us as surely as water pours from a hose pipe in the garden in summer. But if we do not co-operate with God's graces we act like someone who fails to mend a tear in the pipe, fails to find the nozzle, or even fails to pick it up to use it.
Jesus Christ is true God, who took on our human nature, having the humility and goodness to come amongst us as a mere infant.
Jesus Christ is true God, who took on our human nature, having the humility and goodness to come amongst us as a mere infant.
Jesus Christ is true God, who took on our human nature, having the humility and goodness to come amongst us as a mere infant.
Jesus Christ is true God, who took on our human nature, having the humility and goodness to come amongst us as a mere infant.
Jesus Christ is true God, who took on our human nature, having the humility and goodness to come amongst us as a mere infant.
There are some souls who drift towards disaster. Though outwardly pious they abandon God through their self-will, disobedience and neglect of people in their care.