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It is really important, as we journey together in the Church towards Heaven, that we love one another, and do not overlook the command to love our enemies, or to love the sick, shy and poor in a parish.
God the Father pours out extra graces, like a waterfall, when He hears the prayers of all who call on Him in the name of Jesus, His beloved Son.
Those who search for God follow paths that criss-cross the slopes of the Holy Mountain; yet Christ's way is the only one that takes people to the summit.
At every Mass, Jesus Christ is made Present before us, our great High Priest Who intercedes for us with His Father in Heaven. The holy Angels look on and adore Him.
On our journey to Heaven, Catholics trust in the navigator and the pilot (God) and are grateful for regular food (the sacraments). They try not to complain or demand weather reports or arrival times, but try to be helpful and kind to people around them.
A person who is always anxious about his state of soul and about the likelihood of going to Heaven is like a man on holiday who charges around the aircraft, enquiring anxiously about the weather, and the time of arrival. It is best to rely on the navigator and pilot.
If we persevere in faith, we can approach the 'shore' - the state of great charity - from which we will depart to Heaven at our death. Even in this life, we can come near the edge of Eden.
Whenever we ask a particular Saint for special help through prayer, it's as if the Saints make a space for that Heavenly friend to descend from amongst them, to ask us: "What can I do to help you?"
Some people who live in serious sin deliberately seek pleasure by hurting others, act like wild beasts or, rather, deranged animals. They should be treated with caution as well as care.
It is true that we should be kind to everyone; yet we need to be prudent and watchful in dealing with people who seem to be half 'out of their minds' due to their uncontrolled appetites.
A woman in Purgatory exclaims: 'Oh God, if only I had known'. She wished she had believed more firmly that God is real, and that sin should be abandoned, and that it's important to prepare for Heaven.
The union between Christ and myself is so close that whoever hurts me must hurt Christ. Each of us must remember that. It we hurt another human being it is as though we hurt Christ, through whom the world and all that is in it were made. Everyone is precious.
Christ can see into our hearts. He 'sees' our sins and weaknesses, the forces that mould us, our deepest yearnings, and our daily decisions. If we believe in Heaven and Hell, we will pray, and make wise choices.
It is Christ Who - with the Father and the Holy Spirit - holds me in existence, as He holds the entire world in existence; and therefore I am close to Him through the very fact of my existence as well as being united with Him by Baptism and the gift of His Spirit.
Christ is bodily Present in Heaven - which is very close to us. We are in touch with Heaven, in our prayer.
By the Holy Spirit, Christ is present in the baptised person's soul, shining out His love and wisdom, irradiating the soul with Divine joy and goodness.
By the Holy Spirit, Christ is present in the baptised person's soul, shining out His love and wisdom, irradiating the soul with Divine joy and goodness.
To dwell constantly on pornographic fantasies is like living in a foreign land, trapped in self-indulgence, avoiding the joys and duties of everyday life, and 'avoiding' communion with our all-loving God.
To dwell constantly on pornographic fantasies is like living in a foreign land, trapped in self-indulgence, avoiding the joys and duties of everyday life, and 'avoiding' communion with our all-loving God.
To dwell constantly on pornographic fantasies is like living in a foreign land, trapped in self-indulgence, avoiding the joys and duties of everyday life, and 'avoiding' communion with our all-loving God.