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Some people refuse all sorts of requests and invitations from an acquaintance, then expect to be treated as a 'best friend' when finally turning up for a wedding party. People who habitually ignore Christ cannot expect to find instant joy when they finally decide to spend a few moments in prayer. They are unprepared for union.
Christ does not expect us to become perfect just because we spend time with Him at Exposition. He delights is our prayers of adoration; yet He understands when our minds wander, and when we reflect on ordinary aspects of life - as guests do at a wedding reception who don't spend every second talking about the bridge and groom.
Through Him, With Him: Christ, Present amongst us, tears apart the curtain that separates us from Heaven. By His paschal work - re-presented in the Mass - He penetrates the veil, and brings us and our united prayer into the presence of God the Father, and the Saints who live in Him.
At Mass, it is as though a gigantic Christ stands at the altar, to reach out and tear the veil that hides Heaven from earth.
At Mass, it is as though a gigantic Christ stands at the altar, to reach out and tear the veil that hides Heaven from earth.
Christ commended me for being willing to wait in patience, when a hospital procedure was delayed. He showed me an image of Himself beside me in the waiting area, and said to me: "Let us wait together". He is immensely kind!
When people slide 'downhill' into mortal sin, it is impossible to regain the 'heights' of holiness without God's grace. We must beware of yearning for the whole world, only to lose our souls.
Christ was Present in glory, at the Consecration, radiant with Divine majesty, revealing Himself as True God, made man, Who in His humility was willing to accept persecution and death.
Christmas is 'about' the entry into our world of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, our Saviour, in all His power, Divinity and holiness - though He hid His glory for most of His life on earth, and in fact began His life on earth as an infant.
The Meaning of Christmas: The Lord pictured before me a gigantic foliage wreath, and then a silhouetted representation of Santa Claus in a Sleigh, driving his reindeer. These are not what Christmas is 'about' - though our customary symbols or decorations are not wrong.
God the Son was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary. No more dramatic and marvellous event had ever occurred upon earth than the appearance of the infant Who was fully God and fully human. And He had come to earth so that we can go to Heaven.
An event so marvellous as the birth, in our world, of the Incarnate Son of God could not pass unnoticed. The Angels who witnessed this event could not have failed to burst into song, praising the Father for His infinite love for mankind, and praising Christ for His love and humility.
Jesus Christ came to share our life on earth, in His Nativity, so that we could go to Heaven.
Where is Everyone? Christ 'wonders', so to speak (though He knows everything) - Where are all those followers of His who profess to love Him? Yet many can't be bothered to meet Him at Mass, whilst others have not yet been told that He is Really, substantially Present here in the Blessed Sacrament.
Our Lady of Sorrows: Truly, Our Blessed Lady suffered horribly as Jesus Christ her beloved son died in torment on the Cross. It is as if we pray with her at the foot of the Cross, each time we pray before the altar in church at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Christ brushed my shoulder, as He assured me that our minor failings are like little bits of dust on a smart suit, as we approach Him for Holy Communion. The important thing is to be properly clothed. The suit represents the 'state of grace' we should be in.
Where divine fire blazes up from a human heart - fire which is perfect charity - it reaches as far as the great 'Fire of Charity' of Heaven, which is the Godhead; and so there is union. Where a soul lacks charity, there is no union - though only God can judge.
From our sanctuary, at every Mass, Jesus Christ our Saviour offers the prayer He prayed for us during His Passion, as He died on Calvary: "Father, forgive them". And His Mother stands beside Him.
At every Mass we are present to the Sacrifice once offered on Calvary, when Christ suffered and died for us, as His Mother stood by Him. It's as if Calvary protrudes through the floor of our sanctuary, the Cross at the centre.
At every Mass we are present to the Sacrifice once offered on Calvary, when Christ suffered and died for us, as His Mother stood by Him. It's as if Calvary protrudes through the floor of our sanctuary, the Cross at the centre.