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There is no religion quite like the Christian religion. Though good people everywhere have sought to know about God, and to praise Him, Christians have learned about God from those who have heard Him speaking to them in person: those who heard Jesus Christ, God-made-man, offer forgiveness and Eternal Life.
There is no religion quite like the Christian religion. Though good people everywhere have sought to know about God, and to praise Him, Christians have learned about God from those who have heard Him speaking to them in person: those who heard Jesus Christ, God-made-man, offer forgiveness and Eternal Life.
The image of Jacob's Ladder, seen in a vision, is helpful when we want to explain the importance of being in a Catholic church, where Jesus our God is Really, substantially Present in the tabernacle. Through Jesus, we have access to our Father in Heaven. Jesus is like a 'ladder' by which we can ascend, in prayer.
The Lord spoke to me about a wedding, saying: "Spend whatever you like. It is a celebration!" He said that the Church endorses the good human instinct to have special clothing, and beautiful surroundings, for special occasions, for anniversaries too, and feast days. The Lord Himself asked for beauty to surround the Ark in the Tabernacle, in the ddesert, and in the Temple.
We meet Christ in the prayer and love of the Christian community, in the Holy Scriptures, and in our priests; and supremely in His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament
Catholics who do not pray, or who hope to do good but without prayer, cannot draw from Christ the graces they need for a vigorous spiritual life. They are like grapes that are shrivelling on the vine, through separation.
What is Man? He is a living creature, of soul and body, created by God to a particular design and for particular purposes. Whoever misuses his body goes against God's plan, and against his own nature.
Christ sees it as tragic that the loudest voices in the Church today are often those of dissenters, who sometimes mock Christ's 'little ones' as 'fundamentalist' or old-fashioned, and are shameless about disturbing their prayers.
Christ revealed Himself to me as Really Present in Westminster Cathedral, in all His glory, just as in my parish church at home.
Christ said to me: "I speak all languages". He meant that no-one need feel distant from Christ through not knowing the language or culture of Jesus Christ's earthly life. Whoever does the Will of the Father in Heaven is a brother, sister, mother or father to Christ.
Priests who chat loudly in church and disturb the prayers of others show a lack of reverence that can reflect a deeper lack of respect for the Lord
It was from the heart of our loving Father in Heaven that human beings 'emerged', beautifully designed for loving union in marriage, and for fruitful love, in self-giving. They would welcome and care for their children, and all family members would care for one another. That was God's plan for Mankind.
The hierarchical ordering of creation is part of the plan of God our Creator, with human beings 'higher' than fish and animals. Man and woman are equally important in God's sight, and designed to come together for a life-long union and the creation of children in a union properly called marriage.
It is plain that human beings should look after their families according to God's laws, which are the laws of their own nature. A man and woman are designed to come together in love, to produce children. The life-long faithful union of such a couple is the union properly called 'marriage'.
It is God's plan that man and woman marry, and have children, since He said "Be fruitful". A person who claims that a woman can 'marry' a woman, or a man 'marry' a man, are looking at life as if through distorted glasses.
Jesus Christ, our incarnate God, is substantially Present with us in the Holy Eucharist. We cannot see Him within the Sacred Host. But we who believe in His words accept the truth about His Presence, rejoice in it - and are eager to show our love and devotion in traditional ways of adoration, reverence, and with processions and hymns.
We can picture the life of Heaven as being like a sort of parallel universe, right beside us: just as real as the visible, everyday life we know, or even more real, yet at present invisible. If we are faithful we will one day pierce the veil, to be with Christ and the Saints when we die, to stay with them for all Eternity.
Some priests want to follow their vocation on their own terms. There are warning signs to be seen, when a priest is in danger of preaching his own version of the Faith, and not the Faith in its fullness as handed on since the time of Christ. These signs are a lack of respect for the Pope, contempt for the Catechism, combined with an unhealthy acceptance of serious sin in the lives of his flock.
A person who is at work fulfilling his ordinary duties for love of God is very beautiful, in God's sight. This is what Our Lord Jesus Christ did, for many years, before He set out for His brief but amazing Public Ministry. We too, can be sure that we please God when we fulfil our daily duties.
There was a monk chosen to be a door-keeper at his monastery who attained a profound degree of union with God, and spiritual fulfilment far greater than that found in any grand but unnecessary religious project, or in any worldly career. God can give unsought and unexpected gifts and joys to humble people in any walk of life.