Images » The Glory of God the Holy Trinity
Showing 41 - 54 of 54
From all eternity the Son of God, who was born of Mary, springs forth from the white-hot love of the Father's heart, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
From the heart of God has sprung all that exists. Creation is sustained in being by God's power and love. In the very 'heart' of God are held and cherished all who live in His love and who have not utterly and eternally rejected him.
God is like a mighty fire of love. Aware of human frailty, He revealed Himself to His people little by little, lest He destroy them by His glory.
God's inner life of self-giving is mirrored by those who love Him, and who themselves reach out in love to others.
When two people pray in the name of Christ, even if separated by distance, they are united in the communion of saints
Purification and Deification are necessary if we are to enter the pure fire of the Godhead when we die.
God the Father, aware of the horrific cost of the Incarnation, reaches out, through His Holy Spirit, to His Beloved Son, Who willingly assents to come to earth for our salvation
Before the tabernacle, we are in the Presence of the living God, whose Triune glory fills the Church. To be close to Christ in the tabernacle is to be close to the living God Whose glory fills the church.
I was shown a symbol of the Holy Trinity: three triangles, with a fire like molten lava (representing Divine Love) at the heart of each.
Life in Christ is like a constantly moving process of loving guidance from the Three Divine Persons. This draws willing souls up high, to greater sanctity.
If we are one with Christ in the Mass in the living memorial of the Sacrifice of the Cross, we are one with Christ in His Eternal self-offering in the inner life of the Blessed Trinity. That is why the Holy Eucharist is a pledge of future glory as well as a sacrifice for sin. To belong to Christ and to receive Him in Holy Communion is a foretaste of the union and communion that we can enjoy for all Eternity if we remains faithful.
Whoever lives in union with the Blessed Trinity is one with each Divine Person as each one pours out love to the others.
The Blessed Trinity is alive in Eternity, like a triple ring of light, glory, perpetual delight and exaltation.
Christ is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. We please and honour God when we kneel to thank Him for allowing us to do His work on earth - especially priests.