January 2015 Update

Dear Friends,
This is just a brief update about Radiant Light and the work of Elizabeth Wang, as we look back on the year 2015.
Elizabeth’s images have been used in many different church contexts over the last few months. Just to give some examples: Roots for Churches Magazines and Redemptorist Publications have used Radiant Light paintings in some of their recent publications, and The Pastoral Review has continued to have a slot for two or three illustrations each month. The biblical scholar Frances Hogan has been using Elizabeth’s work in her scripture programmes for EWTN. The Diocese of Salford is using a much loved image of God’s love to put on the front of their Year of Mercy prayer card. And the British Province of the Jesuits have used a whole set of prayer images to illustrate a booklet for Ignatian prayer guides. You can see the cover photograph from the recent “Advent Extra” which featured one of Elizabeth’s nativity paintings (see below)
We are delighted that the paintings and short commentaries are being used in these ways, as well as being viewed and downloaded from the website. Radiant Light books, posters and postcards continue to be available from St Pauls Bookshop and Website. Our most recent publication, “Peter’s Story about the Holy Mass”, is available from St Pauls - see the ordering page here.
Elizabeth has been painting and writing on a smaller scale over the last few months. She is happy and content, but less able to travel because of her age (she is now 73) and minor health difficulties; and this is part of the reason why it has not been possible to put on any major Radiant Light events over the last couple of years. Please pray for her and for the work of Radiant Light, that it will help lead others to a deeper love for Christ and His Church.