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I used to say, "I will not think about Him", about God, but "then there seemed to be a fire burning in my heart".
By our priestly work of intercession we can draw people closer to God
Christ showed me the stains of sin on the beautiful 'garment' which is my soul. This was a new conversion.
Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography
The dark, cluttered cavern of the soul became a high-ceilinged chamber, beautiful as a pearl, gleaming.
Christ sees how difficult it can be, to find good catechesis for an enquirer, at a time when many dissenters in the Church offer their own versions of the Catholic Faith. Christ wants the faithful to be comforted by the knowledge that no version of the faith is complete if it does not draw proper attention to the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and the Papacy. These are at the heart of the true Faith.
It is when a person becomes really alive in the Spirit, perhaps long after initial conversion, that he or she can 'see' Christ clearly, if Christ Wills - whether by genuine visions or by 'unknowing' knowledge and 'unseeing' sight. Christ is no longer hidden behind the 'veils' of a person's self-concern.
Christ looks on with wonder at the doctor who has repented of the abortions he did, and who bravely speaks out about the sanctity of human life and its importance from the moment of conception.
The seed of our baptism is meant to grow into a mighty plant and take us to the heights of the spiritual life.
The seed of our baptism is meant to grow into a mighty plant and take us to the heights of the spiritual life, so that at the end of life it is only a short step to Heaven.
When someone is suddenly enlightened by God, it is as if an undersea earthquake takes place. The 'shock' of a new illumination in someone's soul brings great changes in the 'landscape' of his life.
Christ holds out His hand, all the time, to rescue people from sinful ways. Yet He does not save us without our consent. A man 'stuck' fast in sinful habits need to put out his hand to Christ - to say 'Yes' to Christ - if he wants to be delivered from his terrible state.
The Lord grants the graces of repentance and conversion in different ways, to different souls. This is not only to assist different personalities, but also to show out His own power, His patience, His generosity, and His wisdom. We must persevere in prayer for others, even when there seems to be little hope.
If I remember that Christ is always present, wherever I speak with a friend, I will be more likely to 'weigh' every word. Where three are present in this way, charity can reign.
Christ pointed out the truth that, by my decision to enter into full Communion as a Catholic, I risked pain and persecution, for love of Him - just like many of His followers in His earthly life-time, and every era.
When we request prayers of the Saints, we can be sure that their intercessions are fruitful. The Lord hears them, and pours His graces upon the people we've prayed for: people in great need of help. It's as though a spotlight shines from Heaven on their behaviour, to help them to change it - though some decide to ignore Heaven's help.
Christ looks with delight at the former-prostitutes who have left behind their old lifestyle and now share with old friends the Good News about the peace and joy to be found in Christ's love and forgiveness.
It is the Lord Who has inspired the Church to celebrate special anniversaries in her own life and in the lives of the Saints. He invites us to celebrate not just those feast-days, but also our own: for example, the anniversary of a baptism, a conversion, or reception.
A person who adopts a new country, and loves it, finds out all he can, studies its history, travels to beautiful places, and defends it to others - and a person who gives his allegiance to Christ should likewise find out all he can about Him, study the history of His People and His Church, and learn what the Scriptures tell about Him.
By ourselves, we cannot penetrate the bright cloud which is the Godhead. But God reaches out to some of us with a firm invitation to enter - in a sudden conversion - or reaches out at the very instant that someone calls out for His help. Unless we enter His life we shall, in the end, fall into the void.
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