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Through sin or dissent, a blow has shattered the clear 'windscreen' through which some people strain to look at Christ.
Through sin or dissent, a blow has shattered the clear 'windscreen' through which some people strain to look at Christ.
Catholic editors have a great responsibility to see that truth is predominant in their pages, and not falsehood, heresy, or distortion that can lead souls astray and that are like stains upon the columns we read.
Catholic editors have a great responsibility to see that truth is predominant in their pages, and not falsehood, heresy, or distortion that can lead souls astray and that are like stains upon the columns we read.
In wartime, some people slipped away from a town in darkness, to join the partisans in the hills, and to work for justice and the defeat of evil conquerors. And in the Church today, faithful members work quietly to defeat the evils that have entered the Church: irreverence, dissent and heresy.
Some people say it is wrong to request clarity in doctrine or to criticize the words of dissenters in the Church. Truth sets us free, however. Heresy and dissent needs to be uncovered, so that people are not led astray, their souls endangered - just as a doctor is being kind when he tells a patient that he has discovered an undiscovered wound. Only by speaking about a wound can he gain consent to cure it, restoring the patient to health.
Pope Pius X fought bravely against heresy, Christ said. It would be wonderful, the Lord said, if everyone could do what this Saintly Pope has done, and decide to fulfil the Father's Will, for His glory, and to save souls, rather than seeking personal satisfaction. It is sad that many Catholics criticise that Pope's life and works, and want to overturn the Church's teachings, even on moral issues.
A disobedient man will one day learn the truth. Thousands of souls who persist in mortal sin fall into Hell, at death; yet even people guilty of lesser sins must suffer after death, if they are not fully purified and ready for Heaven. For example: Bishops, priests and theologians who have failed to teach the Faith in its fullness or who have led others astray by their support of heretical ideas.
A teacher or theologian who freely fixes a curtain between herself and the Papacy, so that she need not put into practice the constant teaching of the Church, will be in danger, when called home to God at death. She will be entangled in the 'curtain' of dissent and heresy which she herself erected, and will risk being unable to rise up to glory, and risk going down to Hell.
The smoke of Satan has entered the Church, causing many Catholics to approve of various types of immorality, to practice forbidden acts, to protest about legitimate discipline and constant teachings on faith and morals, to demand Papal approval of heresy, to water down the truth when catechising others, and to show little reverence for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.
It is an offense against God and His law of love, to ill-treat a fellow human being; yet it is an even greater offense to spread heresy, and to mock the faith of fellow-Catholics; for if we endanger their spiritual lives and their immortal souls we risk bearing some blame for causing them to move towards Hell, not Heaven.
Christ has ordained certain men to be as 'other Christs' amongst us, to guide and govern us. We are not wrong to speak with gentleness and truth about words publicly offered by a priest or Bishop which are heretical or foolish; but Christ is grieved when He sees His priests needlessly criticized for personal appearance or habits, or cruelly slandered.
Autobiography of Elizabeth Wang, Part 1
This text forms part of Elizabeth Wang's Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography (1999). It tells the story of her life and of her spiritual journey as she came to know Christ and His Church.
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