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One word prayed in union with Jesus, rising from the soul, pierces heaven in a way impossible to those who do not pray in His name.
Everyone on earth can choose to call out for God's help, hoping to be heard. Yet those who have been baptised into Christ, made adopted children of God, living in His light, can speak with God as with a friend, and have a sure hope of Heaven, if faithful to the end. Christ's Spirit, living in souls, gives knowledge of God, intimacy, and hope, and is a lamp for the Way.
No other praise but Christ's Sacrifice is worthy of the Father. All who praise God through Christ are praising Him through the power of that offering - even Christians who do not know about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
It seems to some people that the pathways they personally carve in the rocky walls of their lives can lead to God. Though we can admire the little gems of 'insight' they find embedded in the walls, we have been shown by God that Christ's Way is the only true way to Heaven. He who came from Heaven to earth knows the Way back; and we must help other people to find it.
It seems to some people that the pathways they personally carve in the rocky walls of their lives can lead to God. Though we can admire the little gems of 'insight' they find embedded in the walls, we have been shown by God that Christ's Way is the only true way to Heaven. He who came from Heaven to earth knows the Way back; and we must help other people to find it.
Anyone on earth can choose to call out for God's help, hoping to be heard. Yet those baptised into Christ and made adopted children of God now live in His Light. They can speak with God as with a friend. They have a sure hope of Heaven if they remain faithful to the end. Christ's Spirit, living in them, gives knowledge of God, intimacy and hope, and is a 'lamp' for the way ahead.
Of all the paths which people tell us lead to God, only one does so. There is no way 'up' to God except through Christ and His life of grace. Other short paths are made by human beings who search for truth. We can admire their sincerity and good desires but not their main conclusions if they take us away from Christ.
Christ is truly God and man. He possesses all the attributes of Divinity, just as a single flame, being fire, has all the properties of an unconfined, blazing fire. All other supposed divinities adored by man are products of the imagination.
There is only one way to Heaven - Christ Himself. By Baptism, each person enters the 'bridge', the safe way to Heaven. Some people who have not yet found the bridge, but who are making their way towards it, can be helped by God to reach Heaven, but there is no bridge but Christ.
God sees every good effort of human beings to serve Him. Sincere people in many religions reach out towards Heaven, to praise their Creator, however they picture Him, and in the hope of contact with Him. Yet the Catholic Faith is different from other religions in that, at every Mass, Heaven is laid open above us. Christ's power and Christ's intercession allow us to reach the Father, in the Spirit, through baptism and faith and the Sacrifice of the Mass.
The Lord showed me the far horizons, and many of the other roads which people travel in efforts to reach God and Heaven. The one Way to Heaven is the Way made by Christ and shown out by His Church.
There have been may attempts made by men to reach Heaven. Everyone deserves to hear the good news that God has revealed to mankind, in and through His Divine Son, Jesus Christ, Who has made a Way for all to follow: a safe and sure Way to Heaven.
Whoever wants to assess the intrinsic nature and purpose of any group or movement, secular or religious, should examine the life and attitudes of each group's founder, and the basic principles expounded by that person, and their relation to truth.
People have many ideas about God, but only Jesus - like a window onto Heaven - gives us direct access to God the Father
People have many ideas about God, but only Jesus - like a window onto Heaven - gives us direct access to God the Father
There are other people who believe they know what God wants them to do; and they do it. They fast and pray with admirable fervour. Yet many Christians do not pray regularly because they do not realise how glorious and good is God Who deserves our praises. They have not been well-taught.
The best prayer is that which is offered through Christ, in the Sacred Liturgy. Yet as God gazes upon the world with love He notices with delight each 'spark' of prayer offered by people who believe in Him as their Creator and Judge and Goal.
Christ is touched to the heart by every sign of devotion to Him in His Passion, which He endured out of love for us all. He wants us to pray to Him, even if the image in our hearts or the knowledge in our hearts is not perfectly accurate. The Sacred Liturgy is supremely important for prayer, but we should encourage everyone, of every faith, to trust in God and to turn to Him in prayer.
Baptism is the normal means by which we are made adopted children of God our King, Who then gives us special helps, blessings, intimacy, joys - and the promise of inheriting His Kingdom. Onlookers can hope to benefit from the King's generosity, in some way, but the wisest go to the King's representatives to ask for adoption.
If people of another religion were to gaze into some of our noisy churches, would they believe - Christ asked - that our claim is true: that Christ our God is adored and Present there?
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