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A person who is at work fulfilling his ordinary duties for love of God is very beautiful, in God's sight. This is what Our Lord Jesus Christ did, for many years, before He set out for His brief but amazing Public Ministry. We too, can be sure that we please God when we fulfil our daily duties.
Christ brought to my mind the image of St. Peter, in my local church, saying: St. Peter did not let the memory of his own failures stop him from preaching repentance to other people. Christ asked me not to let the memory of my own sins hold me back from prayer and brave words by which I can help others to repent of their bad behaviour and find peace in and with Christ.
When a family member is in very poor health, it is important that people in a Christian family actively prepare for death, turn to the Lord in trust, speak truthfully to one another, and act with sensitivity and the gentleness.
Christ is pleased when we step forward when people are grieving, to offer comfort, or to make kind enquiries - even if those people are strangers. It is better than hurrying past, worrying about them but not acting.
There are public talks for enquirers at which speakers tell of their personal friendship with Jesus, which is strengthened by what they read in the Bible. The best talks are those given by faithful Catholics who present the whole Gospel message, including the life of the Church: that God became man, to save us; He founded a Church on those who were witnesses to His Death and Resurrection; the Church can tell us how to live, and help us to know Christ and achieve salvation; we can belong to her.
A good priest feels privileged to be ordained, is awestruck by Christ's love, believes all that the Church teaches, never grumbles about his work, is keen to hand on the truth, is fearless in preaching, tells the whole truth about faith and morals, and requests reverent behaviour in church, where Christ is Really Present in the Blessed Sacrament.
For a life that is truly worthwhile we need faith in God, trust in His goodness and power, and in the merits of Jesus' Passion and death. Even a person stranded on a desert island, with no-one in sight, is connected to God the Father, through Jesus, and to the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and to the Catholic Church throughout the world, as long as he has faith. We must do all we can to make that faith grow.
The comfort experienced by close friends of Christ, in His presence, is like the comfort experienced when a distressed girl is held by her mother, in an embrace of real love, until the child can calm down, look at life from the comfort of her mother's arms, and see things in their true perspective.
If we pray in the name of Christ, with faith in Him and in the power of His Spirit, we can be sure of holding 'outside' our souls those thoughts, temptations, demons and fears which sometimes attack us. With Christ, we are safe from them, as if behind castle walls - no matter how terrible the 'noise' of the warfare being waged by our spiritual enemies.
If we pray in the name of Christ, with faith in Him and in the power of His Spirit, we can be sure of holding 'outside' our souls those thoughts, temptations, demons and fears which sometimes attack us. With Christ, we are safe from them, as if behind castle walls - no matter how terrible the 'noise' of the warfare being waged by our spiritual enemies.
If we pray in the name of Christ, with faith in Him and in the power of His Spirit, we can be sure of holding 'outside' our souls those thoughts, temptations, demons and fears which sometimes attack us. With Christ, we are safe from them, as if behind castle walls - no matter how terrible the 'noise' of the warfare being waged by our spiritual enemies.
Christ asked me to forget about my little faults, and to be joyful at the wonderful company of the Saints. They gather here with us, at Mass, to praise the Father through Christ, at the offering of the Holy Sacrifice.
Christ sometimes gives us glimpses of the path to Heaven. Christ gave me, through His Spirit, a glimpse through the veils which usually hide heaven from our sight. I saw Heaven's glory, and the stairway that leads to the Father's throne, though the throne itself was out of sight.
Some people have refused to love God. Yet without love for God, they cannot enter Heaven. By their own choice, they have turned away from happiness and peace; and when they die they fall towards Hell. They will never again experience joy, having refused to acknowledge the Source of all joy.
God wants everyone to know that we don't need special circumstances in which to show out love for God and our neighbour, or advanced education or special training or equipment. In whatever vocation God has called us to undertake, we can show our love, and - by the graces won for us by Christ - prepare for Eternity in Heaven.
Two people can look at the same scene, and one feels horror - knowing a murderer is prowling around, while the other sees only the breeze blowing in the curtains - as the sun shines down. So it was, on earth, for Christ in His life-time here. There was much beauty in the world, but He came across many damaged souls, and knew that Satan was always prowling around, doing evil.
We please Christ if we are 'faithful in little things', for example, by reaching out to help someone in need, instead of ignoring that person to fulfill our own plans.
When Christ was in the Upper Room, praying before His Passion, He was praying in the Holy Spirit to His Heavenly Father. The Three are One God, distinct Persons but undivided; and we should remember that salvation is the work of the Holy Trinity. The Father's goodness, the Son's obedience and the Spirit's power have made our salvation possible.
When Christ was in the Upper Room, praying before His Passion, He was praying in the Holy Spirit to His Heavenly Father. The Three are One God, distinct Persons but undivided; and we should remember that salvation is the work of the Holy Trinity. The Father's goodness, the Son's obedience and the Spirit's power have made our salvation possible.
The Holy Souls have only each other for company: such sad company, as they weep, and bewail the times they wasted on earth when they might have shown more love for God or their neighbour, or might have been quicker to repent of their sins. But at least they are safe now, and grateful for safety - with Heaven to look forward to, in the end.
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