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We can talk, and help people outside the Church. Someone who is convinced that the Catholic Church is wrong about the sinfulness of abortion or any other major topic has built a great wall which obscures from view the Church and its entire, coherent body of teachings about faith and morals handed on since Christ and the Apostles.
The Lord asks Catholics who doubt His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament: Ff Christ could become man, through the Virgin Mary, and allow Himself to die and be buried, and yet visit Abraham and the Prophets in the underworld, then ascend to Heaven to live there in glory, can He not come down to earth again, by the same power, as the Holy Spirit makes Him Present on the altar, as the bread and wine are changed into Christ's Body and Blood, and His friends prepare to receive Him?
The Lord wants to see a crucifix on every altar, large enough to serve as a reminder for everyone that they are present at a solemn, living memorial of His Sacred Passion and death. The Mass is therefore not an appropriate place for frivolity, pop music, dancing, or chatter, or anything else which would draw hearts and minds away from the awesome act which takes place.
If we believe that God became man in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as a tiny baby whose nature was both human and Divine, it is surely not difficult to believe that, by the same power of the Holy Spirit, Christ is once again made Present on earth, though in a different manner, in the Mass.
Satan can appear in any form, in the imagination, in order to terrify, weaken, assault or discourage a follower of Christ. The fulfilment of Christ's plans is something he cannot bear to see, and he has all sorts of deceit and trickery which he uses to draw people away from the hard road to Heaven.
Christ is overjoyed by those who love and obey Him. One of the worst experiences of Christ's Passion, as He hung on the Cross, was the sight He saw - by His Divine insight - of those who would take no notice of His words, or of His desire to save them. His heartache was indescribable, as He saw souls walking away, towards damnation, through their own choices.
A person who trusts in Christ completely, believes in the teachings of Christ's one true Church, and strives to put them into practice, has a freedom and joy in life and in prayer which those people deny themselves who are stuck in the 'mud' of disbelief, dissent, and argument.
Jesus Christ drove out evil spirits by a word of command. Such demons do exist, do infest and dominate people even today, and should not be regarded as figures in which only the superstitious can believe. We can find protection through the power of Jesus: His name, His crucifix, and holy water from His Church.
It is important to pray for those enslaved by sin. Our traditional teaching is true: that by the prayers of the Saints and holy Angels - including St. Michael the Archangel - evil can be overcome, by the grace of Christ, souls helped and even earthly problems ameliorated.
Christ looks on in horror, as He sees little infants slaughtered in the womb by people to whom He has given life. He asks everyone who loves Him, and who loves life, to work and pray, to put an end to the dreadful practice of abortion.
Christ the King of Heaven looks down with horror upon the earth He made, as He sees processions of sad and guilty women, or defiantly guilty women, making their way to abortion clinics all over the world, to destroy the babies whom these women conceived, and to whom Christ gave life, as a free gift.
No theologian is right, who claims that it is all right for a man and woman to make their union sterile, not fertile, and who works to overturn the constant teaching of the Church on marriage, and the transmission of life. Christ looks on with gladness whenever a faithful Catholic speaks out to defend the truths taught by the Church.
When St. Augustine came to England in 597 AD, he came because he had been sent by the Pope. No Christian, in any era, acts wisely, if he ignores the Pope, and the constant teaching of the Pope and the other Catholic Bishops on matters of faith and morals, or ignores their guidance about discipline, the liturgy, and other matters.
To be baptised and to become a Christian is to enter onto the only road that leads to Heaven. Yet it is possible for people outside the Church to be saved, if they persevere in trying to lead good lives, and if, at death, seeing Christ, they bow down in love and awe. Those who are blameless about not having known or served Him can receive the grace they need for salvation.
There is only one Heaven: the one that people can hope to enter because of what Christ has done to make a way in, to give us access to the Father. There is no other Heaven. Only through union with Christ can people enter, some straight away, others - if not in mortal sin - after some purification.
What must it be like for people who die, and who finally realise that Jesus is indeed the Son of God: Jesus Christ, Whom they have ignored or contradicted in their earthly lives, perhaps from ignorance? Imagine their pain, realising that they could have spent a life-time on earth indwelt by the Blessed Trinity, and living in a loving union with God.
Where Christians meet together, and express doubts about the moral law, it's as if a cloud of black smoke is billowing throughout the gathering, causing confusion, and disorienting the participants. People like these are in need of prayer, and wise guides, to help them to open their eyes to truth.
As an ordinary, lowly human being, each baptised person has been made worthy to enter the 'holy of holies', once reserved for certain men. That 'holy of holies' today is the Presence of God. When we approach the Father, through and with Christ, it is as if we pass through a curtain; and we can be confident that our prayers are heard and granted by the Father, for we are His adopted children.
There is a whole world of people living in disbelief, ignorance of Christ, or sin; it's as if they live in a system of tunnels, in semi-darkness, underground. There is only one way out, through a narrow tunnel which leads up to the light, made by the One who emerged from death to new life. All who have been rescued by Him can show others the Way.
Whether on the podium at Lourdes, or in a parish church, Christ is Really Present at every Mass, in all His glory: as truly Present as when He was with His disciples in Galilee. He is as Present, and as glorious, as at His Transfiguration on the mountain of Tabor, with three Apostles - though His glory is hidden today, under the appearance of bread and wine.
Showing 2001 - 2020 of 2850