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Showing 461 - 480 of 2850
The soul which lives for the love of God is like a lamp before Him, full of light, even through the frail body fades.
By every confession, before Christ, of a true weakness, we draw aside yet another of the veils which hide Him.
Christ wishes to see laid down before Him every fault or preoccupation or fear that prevents the soul seeing His will.
When a soul gives up its personal ambitions, for the love of Christ, Christ gives to it the robe it will wear as it walks towards the Father.
The soul which loves Christ draws along others on its train, as it pursues its task, in the baptismal priesthood of all who love and obey Christ.
Christ comes out from the heart of the Father, out to reach us who are so far from God. He draws us into the Divine Embrace.
Christ comes from the heart of the Father and draws us back into the Divine embrace
Christ sustains His Holy Church at every moment of her life, arms outstretched as he offers His Holy Sacrifice.
Christ's light and radiance are poured unto our hearts, and so upon the departed souls whom Christ 'Encounters' there.
The light of Christ pours through the ministry of the Pope and bishops in union with him, and without it we cannot fully understand the Scriptures or the Christian message
The light of Christ pours through the ministry of the Pope and bishops in union with him, and without it we cannot fully understand the Scriptures or the Christian message
I sat at the side of my soul - as it were - offering Christ's own glory to the Father, in praise and adoration.
In our prayers we can offer Christ's own glory to the Father in praise and adoration
The light of Christ shone out at the Consecration.
Christ's love of the Father is like fire meeting fire, in which we share and are purified
Christ's love of the Father is like fire meeting fire, in which we share and are purified
Whenever we pray truly in Christ's name, united to Him in love and faith and worship, He Himself truly prays our prayer.
I saw the great army of believers within the body of Christ's Church, wending onwards towards Him in Heaven.
Though we might believe that we are serving God faithfully, we might rarely see any results from our acts of charity or self-giving - as if we were flying over a cloudy landscape with only an occasional glimpse of the fields below. Christ assures us, however, that all who remain faithful will one day see the great crowd of people whom they have helped by their penances, good works and intercessions.
In this sacrificial offering at Mass, Christ's eternal glory is so great that we who hide in Him, repentant, share in His splendour, purified.
Showing 461 - 480 of 2850