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Christ and Our Lady are always eager to help us. Their assistance is tender, personal and unceasing, all the way to Heaven.
Christ our Saviour is the very God by whom the Earth was created. He caused it to emerge from darkness to fruitfulness.
Christ our Saviour is the very God by whom the Earth was created. He caused it to emerge from darkness to fruitfulness.
Christ, like an elder brother or friend, delights in our efforts to be ready for the celebration of Mass. When we are sorry for our sins, and He forgives us, it is as though He sees us properly attired.
Christ, like an elder brother or friend, delights in our efforts to be ready for the celebration of Mass. When we are sorry for our sins, and He forgives us, it is as though He sees us properly attired.
Christ's Real Presence on the altar is so glorious, it is as though a fire of praise and glory soars upward to the Father.
The glory of Christ's Real Presence is like a flame of praise which soars up to the Father
In our sanctuary, in Christ, especially at Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, we have before us the fullness and the glory of the Godhead, and graces are poured out upon us.
It is by confidence in Christ, with contrition, that our hearts are purified; and the flame of praise then burns before the Father.
It is through our Holy Communion that Christ can lead us as if to the doorway of Heaven, close to the uncreated 'fire'.
At every Mass we stand beside Christ crucified for our salvation
A washing machine's interior is kept bright and shining through the movement of the clothes in it, in frequent washes. In the same way, a soul's 'interior' is kept bright and clean when active in good works, for love of Christ. By good works, prayer and penance we purify our souls and increase the inner splendour given to us by Christ.
Through Christ we can be drawn into the ceaseless giving and receiving of love within the Divine Persons
When we pray with Christ a great flame of praise and intercession rises to the Father
A person who prays to God with a sincere heart, offering Christ's prayer and Christ's saving work, is making his own Christ's love and Sacrifice; and thus he 'inserts' himself into the life of the Holy Trinity, as a diver enters an ever-flowing and powerful river.
God our Father is like a blazing fire in which is 'carried' the Church which shelters us, as Christ delivers us from fear.
We are right to celebrate Our Lady's Assumption. She now lives in Heaven's Radiance, honoured as Queen beside Christ the King.
At the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we have 'fire from Heaven', as the fire of Christ's infinite love blazes before the Father.
Christ alone can 'hold' us in the brightness of God's glory, in the purity, power and radiance of the life of the Godhead.
Christ asked me to speak like an ignorant child, but one who is close to Him because of faith, repentance and friendship.
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