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The Infant Jesus
Jesus is born in Bethlehem
Jesus is born in Bethlehem
Jesus is born in Bethlehem
Jesus is born in Bethlehem
Jesus Christ is God-made-man; yet He came to earth not in power, but as a helpless baby.
Jesus Christ is God-made-man; yet He came to earth not in power, but as a helpless baby.
Jesus Christ is God-made-man; yet He came to earth not in power, but as a helpless baby.
Jesus Christ is God-made-man; yet He came to earth not in power, but as a helpless baby.
Jesus Christ is God-made-man; yet He came to earth not in power, but as a helpless baby.
At the sight of the miraculous baby (whose Mother stood before Him in still-virginal sanctity) St. Joseph was powerfully rewarded for his faith.
At the sight of the miraculous baby (whose Mother stood before Him in still-virginal sanctity) St. Joseph was powerfully rewarded for his faith.
Mary and Joseph look with faith on the child Jesus at his Nativity
The Christ-Child offered Himself to the Father at Midnight Mass at Christmas, lovingly offering His life for the Father's glory.
Christ came into the world, offering His entire life to His Father, from infancy to death. In the Mass, that same Christ-child, at Christmas, offered Himself and His life to the Father, for the Father's glory. Christ gave glory to God at every moment of His earthly existence, and still offers praise to Him from our midst today.
Christ assured me that he looks on lovingly as I do my simple duties (as I write Christmas cards, or cook a meal) through love for God and 'neighbour'.
Our Blessed Lady stood in the Lady Chapel, in glory, showing how she shares our joy on the feast of the Birth of her son, Our Lord. She played an important part in God's plan of salvation, and should have an important place in our lives and hearts, as our Mother.
Jesus Christ is true God, who took on our human nature, having the humility and goodness to come amongst us as a mere infant.
Jesus Christ is true God, who took on our human nature, having the humility and goodness to come amongst us as a mere infant.
Jesus Christ is true God, who took on our human nature, having the humility and goodness to come amongst us as a mere infant.
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