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Some people discuss the Catholic Faith as if it were a light matter: a question of joining a happy group just for company and reassurance. They do not realise that the Faith is about truth and goodness. There is a battle raging in the world - though many people are still blind to it - it is a war between good and evil.
The Church needs fervent witnesses who know Christ, as well as theologians who can explain the truths of the Faith. A theologian is like a geography teacher who can give very valuable facts about the world and its resources. A witness is like an experienced traveller who can tell people through TV programmes, "I have been to meet Christ - and this is what He is like! It is really worthwhile to make the journey."
If we pray before the tabernacle in Church, where Jesus Christ is Sacramentally, substantially Present with us, as close to us as He was to His Apostles in Galilee, and if we adore Him, we do what the Angels do. They are hovering beside the tabernacle, adoring Our Lord in an attitude of perfect love.
Christ and Our Lady are ready to greet everyone who arrives in Church for Mass. Yet they also look beyond the church building, searching for those family members of the 'Communion of Saints' who rarely or never come to take part in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
A child who has a mother and a father who are married to one another, in a stable marriage, has an admirable start in life. There is 'imprinted' in the child the idea of family life, as God Wills it; and it is therefore easier for the child to appreciate the Will of God for society - and related teachings of the Church.
Some people chat loudly in church about worldly matters, as other people try to pray. It is necessary to speak gently about this. If priests will not ask for reverent behaviour in church, then brave members of the laity must speak about it - all for the honour of Christ, Who is Really Present.
It is a tragedy that two generations of Catholics have not learned, in their homes or schools or churches, the importance of kneeling for prayer and of showing reverence to Christ by genuflection and by attendance at Benediction. It is also sad that many have never seen or taken part in a Eucharistic Procession.
As Christ looks down from Heaven upon the world He sees a great light shining out. That is the Catholic Church which He founded. It is like a great light which will never go out, even if that light is sometimes dimmed. All truths that others preach are facets of the whole Body of truths (the Deposit of Faith) that the Church holds and preaches.
The Deposit of Faith is handed on in the Catholic Church from age to age. Some other Christians teach some of the truths which the Church proclaims - but the Church has no need to go to other Christians to learn what she should teach. Her teachings stem from Christ and the Apostles. Yet individual Catholics can learn from the virtuous example of charity, patience, etc. given by other individual Christians.
Although some people preach different versions of the Faith, even within the Church, we can be sure that if we listen to the constant teaching of the Pope and the other Catholic Bishops we are hearing what Christ is teaching us through them - even if we are labelled 'fundamentalist' or 'over-dogmatic' by fellow-Catholics.
If someone searches the whole earth, wondering where he can find the true version of the Catholic Faith, not a distorted, diluted or truncated version, he can look at Rome. What is taught by the Pope and the other Catholic Bishops is truly the 'deposit of Faith' handed on by Christ and His Apostles.
Everyone who discovers the Catholic Church can study, and ask questions, to learn more about the gift of faith. Some people shut their hearts and minds, to that free gift. They do not want to believe, because it would bring them the suffering of abandoning sinful habits. Yet the worst suffering of all is experienced at the loss of God, for unrepentant sinners.
Those who freely and deliberately decide to disobey Divine Law on sexual morality, as taught by Christ through His Church, and who lead unchaste lives, are like people who freely board a train, laid on by Satan. It steadily descends, then enters a great hole in the ground.
Many of the Clergy are content to encourage their flocks in doing good; yet they neglect those people by failing to warn them of the grievous consequences of deliberate rejection of God, the Church or the Commandments. Falsely supposing that a man will be saved, no matter what sort of life he has led, they never mention Eternal suffering in Hell
There is a path which leads straight to Heaven. It was built by Christ. There is a dangerous chasm at one side, into which will fall those people foolish enough to insist that they can do whatever they please, and disobey their guide, which is Christ and His Church.
Just as Moses insisted that he wished all of God's people were prophets, so Christ insists that He wishes all of His friends in the Church were fervent in believing and defending the teachings of the Church.
Our Father in Heaven denies to no-one the opportunity to know Christ, and to receive the gift of Heaven. Whether in earthly life, or at the moment of death, each person in our village hears the truth; but many say: 'To join the Church would be inconvenient', or 'To serve God will cause me trouble', or 'Life is too short to make sacrifices'. They forget the purpose of life - and our destination, which will be, eventually, Heaven or Hell.
Those Catholics who dissent from the Church's teachings on faith and morals, and even speak loudly about their mistaken views, disturbing the faithful members, are as foolish as dancers in a troupe who, by their decision to kick and stamp whenever they choose, ruin the dance for the whole troupe.
Christ told me that those few Catholics who believe in all the teachings of the Church and who are willing to proclaim and defend them are like a lamp set on an hill, to enlighten people around them. But many Catholics, even many of the Clergy, have little faith, and so give little or no light to people near them.
Just as, in an art gallery, it is tragic if pictures have been cut from their frames, and visitors can only gaze at empty spaces, so it is also tragic, the Lord showed me, when the Catholic faithful must look at empty spaces in their churches where once they found beautiful and expressive imagery, to inspire them.
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