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In a story, a kind king told His children that He would give them every advantage, and make them very happy, but they must learn to take responsibility for their behaviour. He said: When you are grown-up, and if you deliberately do grave wrong, you will go to prison. They all agreed that the king's words are wise and just. And so it is, with the warnings given to us by Jesus Christ our God and King, about persistant grave sin, and Hell.
We cannot save ourselves; but if we hold on to Christ and His Church, as if to a life-line from a pit, we can allow Him to draw us up to Heaven - so long as we are not so distracted, or tempted to clutch at sin, that we let go, and fall into the depths, through our own fault.
The sanctuary of a Catholic church is a holy place, just as was the holy of holies in the Temple at Jerusalem. A man who enters the sanctuary as a priest to offer Christ in sacrifice, in the Mass, should be pure and holy in body, mind and soul. If he is not, he should repent, and confess his sins when he can.
The husband deserves respect, as the head of the family: that is the truth shown out in Sacred Scripture and the constant teaching of the Church. A wife has an equal dignity, in God's sight, and deserves respect, love, and genuine care; yet she is not the head, and has a different role.
We can talk, and help people outside the Church. Someone who is convinced that the Catholic Church is wrong about the sinfulness of abortion or any other major topic has built a great wall which obscures from view the Church and its entire, coherent body of teachings about faith and morals handed on since Christ and the Apostles.
A person who trusts in Christ completely, believes in the teachings of Christ's one true Church, and strives to put them into practice, has a freedom and joy in life and in prayer which those people deny themselves who are stuck in the 'mud' of disbelief, dissent, and argument.
Jesus Christ drove out evil spirits by a word of command. Such demons do exist, do infest and dominate people even today, and should not be regarded as figures in which only the superstitious can believe. We can find protection through the power of Jesus: His name, His crucifix, and holy water from His Church.
No theologian will do well if he only reads and reflects upon truth. He or she needs the Divine Light, which is given in prayer, when a person opens a door from the inside so to speak, and becomes illuminated - mind, heart and conscience - to 'see' truth in what is being studied, and to be of one mind with God and his Church.
No theologian is right, who claims that it is all right for a man and woman to make their union sterile, not fertile, and who works to overturn the constant teaching of the Church on marriage, and the transmission of life. Christ looks on with gladness whenever a faithful Catholic speaks out to defend the truths taught by the Church.
When St. Augustine came to England in 597 AD, he came because he had been sent by the Pope. No Christian, in any era, acts wisely, if he ignores the Pope, and the constant teaching of the Pope and the other Catholic Bishops on matters of faith and morals, or ignores their guidance about discipline, the liturgy, and other matters.
Not speaking, here, of invincible ignorance, The Lord asks: Of what value is the praise of someone who declares: "O God, I love and praise You, but I am determined to ignore Your chosen teachers in the Church and to work in Government to extend the provision of abortions".
Not speaking, here, of invincible ignorance, the Lord asks: of what value is the praise of a person who declares, "O God, I praise and adore You, but I refuse to enter the Catholic Church, founded by your Son, and refuse to accept the teachings of the Pope and the other Catholic Bishops, who, with one voice, explain Your wishes for the whole world".
A teacher or theologian who freely fixes a curtain between herself and the Papacy, so that she need not put into practice the constant teaching of the Church, will be in danger, when called home to God at death. She will be entangled in the 'curtain' of dissent and heresy which she herself erected, and will risk being unable to rise up to glory, and risk going down to Hell.
To be baptised and to become a Christian is to enter onto the only road that leads to Heaven. Yet it is possible for people outside the Church to be saved, if they persevere in trying to lead good lives, and if, at death, seeing Christ, they bow down in love and awe. Those who are blameless about not having known or served Him can receive the grace they need for salvation.
Just as my children and husband and other relations are always in my heart and prayers because we are members of one family, so the whole Church - the Communion of Saints, on earth, in Heaven and in Purgatory - should be held in my heart. We are a great family, with special relationships binding us. All people deserve respect and love, but especially those in our 'household of faith'.
Whether on the podium at Lourdes, or in a parish church, Christ is Really Present at every Mass, in all His glory: as truly Present as when He was with His disciples in Galilee. He is as Present, and as glorious, as at His Transfiguration on the mountain of Tabor, with three Apostles - though His glory is hidden today, under the appearance of bread and wine.
When we surrender to the plans and wishes of our Heavenly Father, as made known to us through the Church, and through Providential meetings and conversations, it's as though we allow God to carry us along on a river of grace, wherever the current takes us; in this way we give joy to Christ, who also did His Father's Will.
The Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary, re-presented in a sacramental manner on the altar, whether in a great basilica or in a tiny convent chapel, a thatched hut, or an ordinary parish church. Christ is Present, interceding for sinners.
The Lord chooses all sorts of men, to serve as priests. They bring their own weaknesses with them. The sacraments they confer are valid, despite their sins; yet priests are sometimes mistaken in their personal opinions. The best priests are those who believe in all that the Church teaches, lead humble and chaste lives, fervent in love for the Saviour and His Church, and charitable towards everyone, though unafraid to speak the truth, in charity.
Disobedient Catholics who refuse to obey the Church's teachings on contraceptive use, for example, act like a group of arrivals at a Cathedral who do not want to be too involved. They refuse to enter the main door, insisting on entering elsewhere, to descend to the Crypt by themselves. They have cut themselves off from full Communion with others.
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