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A person who shares God's very life, through Baptism, and lives in a state of grace, can be certain that when she prays to the Father in Christ's name, in the Spirit, He hears and answers. How can He fail to hear the prayer of His own Son? In sharing the life of the Divine Persons, we share in Their loving responses to one another in the Godhead: hence our prayers are granted.
A person who shares God's very life, through Baptism, and lives in a state of grace, can be certain that when she prays to the Father in Christ's name, in the Spirit, He hears and answers. How can He fail to hear the prayer of His own Son? In sharing the life of the Divine Persons, we share in Their loving responses to one another in the Godhead: hence our prayers are granted.
The Lord showed me that Heaven is like a circular area full of Divine glory, occupied by the Three Divine Persons and the Angels and Saints. Christ and His holy Mother want to greet new arrivals, which is why each of us needs to ask himself: "Am I ready to enter?"
Held in the love of the Three Divine Persons, we can intercede for others. A person who loves God brings close to God all the people she carries in her heart.
Held in the love of the Three Divine Persons, we can intercede for others. A person who loves God brings close to God all the people she carries in her heart.
The Saints are all around us, with Christ, as we pray; they delight in the love in our hearts, and in every reverent word and gesture as we honour them, and adore and praise the Three Divine Persons.
Christ explained the marvel of Baptism, by which the Three Divine Persons come to dwell in glory within the newly-baptised soul who can now have sure, intimate access to God, in his own soul, without his having to travel, as in earlier times, to the Temple.
After Confession: The Most Holy Trinity showed me, by an image, that each of the Three Divine Persons - one God - forgave me for every sin and failing and invited me to be joyful.
After Confession, absolution, prayer and penance, I found myself lifted - as the Lord explained - into the 'dance' of the Three Divine Persons, Who showed me Their delight in my trust and obedience, as They shared Their joy with me in prayer.
To speak to Christ is also to speak to the Father and to the Holy Spirit, since the Three Divine Persons are One God, undivided. Each receives honour by our devout prayer and attention, whether we have turned in prayer to the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit.
From the 'whirlwind' of love which is the life of the Three Divine Persons in the Godhead, Christ descended to earth at His Incarnation, in the womb of the Virgin Mary; and it was always part of the Father's plan of salvation that Christ would continue to be found amongst us, by His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Eucharist.
It is the Will of God to draw us up, to share His Divine life, so that each of us, after death, might live eternally within the interpenetration and communion of the Three Divine Persons in the ecstatic Unity within the Godhead. Yet this is not possible for those who oppose His Will or refuse to believe in the Son Who died to save us.
Whenever someone makes a good confession, she should be confident that she has done something which is not only important and useful for herself and her own spiritual life. She delights the Three Divine Persons of the Blessed Trinity, who gaze upon her with delight, admiring her humility and simplicity.
From the heart of the Godhead, from the Three Divine Persons, light and grace fall upon a little child below. This is an image of the power of Baptism. The new life given from God in this holy sacrament is a share in the life of God - and a promise of Heaven for those who remain faithful. This is the greatest gift, after life itself. The Three Divine Persons now dwell within the soul of the Baptised.
The Church prays for the soul of the deceased friend or relation at a Requiem Mass, and calls out, "Open the gates of Paradise" for that faithful servant. Let us remain hopeful of one day entering those gates, to live forever in the loving embrace of the Three Divine Persons, One God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
A Catholic in a state of grace who wants to be helped to understand her union with the Blessed Trinity is not wrong to use imagery, of various kinds; yet rather than picturing herself as being in front of Three Divine Persons Who are, somehow, one God, she will be helped by seeing herself as if within a transparent globe, which is Their life of light and love.
It is difficult to describe a sublime, holy Mystery. Some people describe the Blessed Trinity as a Community, but stress the unity of the Godhead. Others describe God as 'a family'. This is unwise, in that it can lead children to imagine three Persons who are not merely distinct but separate from One Another, each going His own way to do His own tasks, whereas the truth is that the Divine Persons act together, no matter what appropriation we attribute to One or the Other.
What is Mary Like? by Elizabeth Wang
This text is the complete version of the pamphlet WHAT IS MARY LIKE?
“Now having met together; they asked him, ‘Lord, has the time come? Are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel?’ He replied,…
Autobiography of Elizabeth Wang, Part 1
This text forms part of Elizabeth Wang's Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography (1999). It tells the story of her life and of her spiritual journey as she came to know Christ and His Church.
You …
Autobiography of Elizabeth Wang, Part 2
This text forms part of Elizabeth Wang's Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography (1999). It tells the story of her life and of her spiritual journey as she came to know Christ and His Church.
You …
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