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What a huge offering ascends from our small altar, as Christ prays our one prayer, hands outstretched to the Father.
Jesus Christ is our High Priest who intercedes for us to the Father at every Mass
Jesus Christ is our High Priest who intercedes for us to the Father at every Mass
All the saints and angels join in the praise that Christ offers to the Father at Mass
Christ is a 'Waterfall' of graces. He lifts us all, in the Mass, to God our Father, the Source of all graces, in the Spirit.
Christ is a 'Waterfall' of graces. He lifts us all, in the Mass, to God our Father, the Source of all graces, in the Spirit.
I understood something of the Father's love for us - who are truly His Children.
Everyone on earth can choose to call out for God's help, hoping to be heard. Yet those who have been baptised into Christ, made adopted children of God, living in His light, can speak with God as with a friend, and have a sure hope of Heaven, if faithful to the end. Christ's Spirit, living in souls, gives knowledge of God, intimacy, and hope, and is a lamp for the Way.
All Heaven, with our Blessed Lady, honours God our Father.
As we praise the Father in and through Christ, in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we join the whole of Heaven in Joyful Worship.
He directed all my prayers to the Father, urging me to follow His way to the Heart of God.
Jesus urges us to draw closer to the Father and to direct our prayers to Him
Christ comes out from the heart of the Father, out to reach us who are so far from God. He draws us into the Divine Embrace.
God our Father delights in giving us joy. He gives us Christ, through whom He is revealed.
God our Father delights in giving us joy. He gives us Christ, through whom He is revealed.
God our Father sends us Christ, through Whom He is revealed
The more bravely a soul grows and reaches out towards God, the closer to the Father she brings all who are in Her heart!
Wherever we worship, Angels accompany us in our reverent words and gestures, bowing before God our Father and Creator.
At the end of Holy Mass, we are embraced by the Father's blessing, in the companionship of Christ, as the Holy Spirit comforts our heart.
When a soul offers everything, in homage to the Father, everything in that life is drawn upwards, by God to Himself.
Showing 21 - 40 of 289