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Christ came into the world, offering His entire life to His Father, from infancy to death. In the Mass, that same Christ-child, at Christmas, offered Himself and His life to the Father, for the Father's glory. Christ gave glory to God at every moment of His earthly existence, and still offers praise to Him from our midst today.
From within our midst, at Holy Mass, Christ is united with His Father in Heaven, and also greets His Saints in Heaven.
God pours out His graces upon those who ask, trustingly. Many gifts are not given, because persons have not asked for them.
The 'circle' of prayer into which we are drawn is like this: the invisible Father sends His Spirit to urge us to pray. Through the Holy Spirit, we praise Christ, Present here, and, with Him, offer His praise to the Father!
The Father pours a waterfall of grace upon us when we pray in Christ's name
Christ - His back towards me - faces the Father and offers our prayer of thanksgiving and grace before meals.
A person's whole life should be offered, wholeheartedly, to God. Anything less is unworthy of Him, though He is patient.
As we gaze upon the altar, at the offering of His Sacrifice, we hear Christ say: 'Father, forgive them.' He has always loved us. Now, He prays for us as He prayed long ago in His Passion
At Holy Communion, a great flame, like an arrow, descended. Christ had arrived in His Spirit's power, the Father's life, in His own love.
At every Mass we reach up and meet the Father through the Sacrifice of Christ our Head, bound together with each other and with Him
Christ is with His Church, during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, praying on our behalf. It is as if He is at the prow of a great ship, leading us into the mysterious embrace of God the Father, in the Spirit - preparing for our eternal home.
Christ is with His Church, during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, praying on our behalf. It is as if He is at the prow of a great ship, leading us into the mysterious embrace of God the Father, in the Spirit - preparing for our eternal home.
God the Father, 'sitting' enthroned in Heaven, greets with delight each faithful priest who guarded His flock on earth.
I stood in prayer amongst the 'foothills' of the infinite holiness of almighty God, His majesty towering over my nothingness.
Within a 'surrendered' soul, Christ's own pure, wordless praises and intentions stream to the Father, unimpeded.
Christ showed me that in my present suffering I am as if lying in the Father's arms, tenderly carried.
If Christ - with reverence - offers humble praise to the Father, dare anyone on earth offer praise with less reverence?
At every Mass, Christ is made Really Present with us. It's as if our Risen Saviour stands before us, at the altar, His head bowed in reverence for God the Father, to Whom He lifts His arms as He prays for us. Christ offers to Heaven all the prayers that we pray 'through Him, with Him, and in Him'. In the power of the Holy Spirit, this one great sacrificial prayer is both powerful and effective.
Christ, the sinless God-man, is the champion of sinners. He reaches out to the Father, pleading for all who repent and kneel at his feet - even for those who have maimed and murdered.
Christ, the sinless God-man, is the champion of sinners. He reaches out to the Father, pleading for all who repent and kneel at his feet - even for those who have maimed and murdered.
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