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In explaining His humility, Christ appeared to me, after the consecration, as the High Priest, robed as in ancient times. It was the feast of the Presentation, when He whose Temple it was allowed Himself to be taken within as an infant.
Christ asked me to place two pictures side by side in a new published card, so that people can see that the prayer He offers, as our High-Priest, from the sanctuary at Mass, is the very same sacrificial prayer and offering that He once offered from the Cross.
It pleases Christ when we show love, honour and respect towards our Bishop. Christ is our great High Priest, and He invites us all to show love and courtesy, at all times, towards those He has chosen to be 'other Christs' for us.
Each Catholic priest should be aware of what is necessary for renewal in the vocation which he freely accepted. His feet should be those of a person who brings Good News: of God's love, and forgiveness brought through Christ. His heart should be full of compassion for sinners. His mind should be fixed on Christ, and Heavenly things. His hands should be clean - as when they were anointed, for the offering of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
It is Christ our God, our Saviour and High Priest, Who has become the Head of His Mystical Body, the Church. He has also given us a leader on earth: the Pope, the Bishop of Rome who, with the Catholic Bishops in Communion with him, teaches the Catholic Faith and encourages us to remain faithful. Christ is pleased when we show devotion and respect towards the papacy, and to each Pope.
Autobiography of Elizabeth Wang, Part 2
This text forms part of Elizabeth Wang's Falling in Love: A Spiritual Autobiography (1999). It tells the story of her life and of her spiritual journey as she came to know Christ and His Church.
You …
Union with God and the Mass, by Elizabeth Wang
This text forms Part 1 of the book THE MASS THROUGH THE EYES OF CHRIST.
The Holy Trinity The soul, a 'Kingdom'. Each baptised person who is in a state of grace can say, of his own soul: "My soul is …
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