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The Christ we meet in Holy Communion is as if at the 'doorway' of three areas. He is the point at which His friends of earth, Purgatory and Heaven meet. We on earth are close to Him, but not yet wholly secure; the Holy Souls are safe forever, but cannot yet 'hold' Him; the Saints share His glory, and can never lose Him.
No-one would want to walk down the aisle in a badly stained garment for everyone to see. Yet many people walk down the aisle, for Holy Communion, with their souls covered in huge 'stains' - which Jesus can see - the stains of unrepented sins.
A bride is horrified at seeing a stain on her dress, and we should also avoid having 'stains' on our souls, through serious sin, as we go up to receive Holy Communion.
Imagine how embarrassed a bride would be, whose dress had been stained by a spilled drink, and who then thought about her walk towards the altar. Similarly, everyone who approaches the altar to receive Holy Communion needs to think about their present state. Is there a large 'stain' on their soul, from serious sin, which makes them unfit to approach to receive Christ their Saviour?
A bride is horrified at seeing a stain on her dress, and we should also avoid having 'stains' on our souls, through serious sin, as we go up to receive Holy Communion.
He had been transformed by his Holy Communion and by the prayer of a friend. On his forehead shone a new gem, which radiated an extraordinary light: sign of a particular virtue.
With a peaceful heart, and a peaceful conscience, a happy friend of Christ can 'lean' on Him, in Holy Communion.
When we are ill, and Christ comes to us in Holy Communion, it's as if He insists in helping us to lie down on a couch; and when He is sure that we are resting comfortably, He sits on the floor beside us, so that we can talk at leisure - or simply be quiet.
Christ is with us in Holy Communion, bringing comfort and consolation. Sometimes He must correct us, but He also actively encourages us, and rewards us, for following His way.
Christ sees our pain and exhaustion, and comes to us in Holy Communion to offer consolation and reassurance, like a mother stroking a child's hair.
Christ invites us to appear at the altar rail, to receive Holy Communion; and at the end of life to appear at the rail at the edge of Heaven, made holy and ready to enter.
Christ stands by us in Holy Communion, wrapping us in His cloak, as a man cloaks a friend in a storm, to hold His friend close and to give him protection, warmth and consolation.
Through Holy Communion we are present with Christ; and we can talk to him as intimately as if we sit round the kitchen table
Christ is swift to comfort us in our difficulties. In Holy Communion, He rushes to wrap us in His love, with tenderness and deep concern, just as a rescuer rushes towards an abandoned child, to cover her in a warm blanket and hold her close to himself.
Christ loves to welcome His friends in Holy Communion. He especially delights in giving consolation and peace to those who are weary in His service, or enduring extraordinary trials for love of Him.
It is important that children making their First Holy Communion are taught about the Real Presence and about how to live holy and pure lives. Parents should set a good example of faith and holiness.
It is important that children making their First Holy Communion are taught about the Real Presence and about how to live holy and pure lives. Parents should set a good example of faith and holiness.
It is important that children making their First Holy Communion are taught about the Real Presence and about how to live holy and pure lives. Parents should set a good example of faith and holiness.
Christ our God Who reigns in Eternal Glory, is Really Present in the Blessed Sacrament in church, and in the homes of the sick who receive Holy Communion. It is fitting that an 'altar' is prepared, with candles and a clean cloth and a crucifix, where the pyx may be placed.
If we greet Christ warmly in Holy Communion, we want to see our friends enjoy His love; and we can help them by our prayers, and by 'Christ-within-us' reaching out to include others in His embrace.
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