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It was love that drove Christ to come down to us in fragile flesh, born of a woman
It was love that drove Christ to come down to us in fragile flesh, born of a woman
It was love that drove Christ to come down to us in fragile flesh, born of a woman
At the Mass we are present to every mystery of Christ's life
At the Mass we are present to every mystery of Christ's life
The Blessed Virgin Mary is the 'Holy House' who bore the Son of God in her womb and is forever to be honoured
The Blessed Virgin Mary is the 'Holy House' who bore the Son of God in her womb and is forever to be honoured
The Blessed Virgin Mary is the 'Holy House' who bore the Son of God in her womb and is forever to be honoured
By His divine compassion, and in solidarity with His own people on Earth, Christ cloaked the sins of the whole human race.
By His divine compassion, and in solidarity with His own people on Earth, Christ cloaked the sins of the whole human race.
Christ in His Incarnation gave true homage to the Father from earth: He continues to pour His light, through His Church.
We are invited to bear the pure fire of love, which is God, in the embrace of someone like ourselves: the Son of God, our Saviour.
Christ came into the world, offering His entire life to His Father, from infancy to death. In the Mass, that same Christ-child, at Christmas, offered Himself and His life to the Father, for the Father's glory. Christ gave glory to God at every moment of His earthly existence, and still offers praise to Him from our midst today.
Jesus really died for us. In His ordinary, warm, solid, real body, Jesus was mocked, beaten, stripped and crucified, because of our sins - to save us!
The best mediator for men in trouble is another man. The very best is the God-man, Jesus Christ: He surpasses all others by His Divine Love, combined with His human cry from the depths of the pit which is human estrangement and suffering.
When Our Lady greeted Elizabeth at the Visitation, they praised God for His love. Our Lady held in mind the whole world which Her Son wished to help.
When Our Lady greeted Elizabeth at the Visitation, they praised God for His love. Our Lady held in mind the whole world which Her Son wished to help.
For many months, Our Lady carried Christ in Her womb; She had time to reflect on Her role in God's plan.
Christ, true God, took flesh from Mary. He stood before us in His Incarnation as divine love embodied, as true man.
Through His Ascension Christ provides a powerful link between human beings and God because He is both true God and true man.
Showing 21 - 40 of 181