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It is a dreadful thing, in Christ's sight, that many people are so blind to the wonder of human life, or blind to it being a gift from God, or determined that a woman should not be inconvenienced by a pregnancy, that they support and encourage the killing of babies in the womb: innocent children, to whom He had given the gift of life.
Satan is the source of the evil 'smoke' which covers much of the world, that 'smoke' being the willingness of troubled persons, and politicians, to promote or arrange abortion provision. Here and there, a brave politician speaks up for the sanctity of life - including the lives of unborn babies.
Many politicians do not see how strange is their stance on life. They claim to be compassionate persons who want to save lives, in countries blighted by war, poverty and earthquakes; meanwhile, in their own countries and elsewhere, they build or allow a conveyor-belt of procedures by which unborn babies - live human beings - can be slaughtered just because they are unwanted by their mothers.
When someone is sentenced to death, people usually say, "What evil has he done?" None of the little babies put to death in the womb is guilty of crime, or personal sin, but only of being unwanted. So they are dismembered or poisoned, and thrown away, in what was once a civilised society.
Pontius Pilate said, of Jesus: "I find no fault with Him". Yet he gave Him to be scourged and killed, to satisfy the clamour of the crowd. That is what is done today, as politicians allow innocent, unborn babies to be slaughtered in the womb, to satisfy the clamour of people who don't want their own children.
Christ is deeply touched whenever people speak, work and pray, so that the truth will be known about injustice, but especially about the unjust and merciless killing of unborn babies. They have been given life by God. They are precious in His sight, and have done no wrong; yet they are slaughtered because their presence is inconvenient.
Christ is delighted by every effort we make to show people that the tiny babies who are rejected, and even dismembered or poisoned by abortion, are human beings, no matter how small. God gave them life; and like all humans they are worthy of respect and tender care, not slaughter because they are judged inconvenient or disabled.
God the Father looks from Heaven upon our lives. He sees that men who injure women, or women who abort their babies, are, in effect, crucifying Christ, because whoever engages in evils such as sadism or killing, is placing himself or herself on the side of Satan, who does not want us to act with love and compassion, and tried to overcome Christ.
It is sometimes necessary to appeal to a person's heart, and to his faith in Christ, in an attempt to persuade a Christian in Government not to extend abortion laws. A person in such a powerful position can have millions of babies killed, by his legislative action, or he can act in accordance with justice and mercy, and let them live, as he should.
This is what God sees from Heaven, as He looks upon two fertile continents. On one, thousands of women campaign, with the support of Government members, for the killing of an even greater number of babies in the womb, by abortion. On the other continent, most women love life and love their babies, despite the poverty in which some live.
Whether abortion clinics or certain types of nightclub, some attractive buildings hide dreadfully sinful behaviour. It can happen that a woman who is unexpectantly pregnant panics, thinks only of her own worries, and not about the life of her tiny child. In her icy desert of despair - a 'winter' of isolation - she might look upon an abortion clinic as a place of safety, help, and support which is warm, well-lit, and staffed by non-judgemental people who promise relief from her problem. She deserves compassion, but the truth is that the clinic is organised for the routine killing of tiny babies in the womb.
Heroic people in England and Wales have defended the truths of the Catholic Faith, throughout fifteen hundred years - St. Thomas More and St. Margaret Clitheroe amongst them. In our day, brave witness is necessary if people are to realise that it is wrong to kill unborn babies, and that marriage requires a man and a woman to keep their vows, and live together in charity, open to life, in an exclusive relationship which is life-long.
Each of the powerful politicians who has voted to increase the number of abortions permitted is like an unjust judge, condemning innocent babies to death. One day, he or she will meet the Just Judge, his Creator, Who will ask: "What have you done with all your power?" Those abortion-upholders who die unrepentant risk being themselves condemned, by God.
A queue of women approaches doctors today, many not to request health-care but to request the destruction of their tiny babies before birth. Some women with living babies embrace maternity, as God intends; the others destroy their infants, by allowing others to do so, so that nothing interferes with their hopes for their own life, e.g. of pursuing careers, or fame, or even sport - though some are remorseful.
People who viciously or sadistically harm children, and treat them as objects to be used as they wish, or regard them as a nuisance, and people who arrange or carry out the abortion of babies, condemn themselves to an Eternity without love - unless they repent before they die.
We can be certain that advertisements proposed about abortion provision would not be accurate, but misleading. If people cannot bear to see animals treated as vermin, and killed in their presence, how much less likely is it, that people will want to see tiny human beings killed in the womb by poison or dismemberment? This is not what advertisers would show, yet that is what happens in such clinics. Any advert would give a false image: a pleasant building where caring people relieve pregnant woman of the burden of, merely, an 'unwanted pregnancy'.
By requesting or assisting in an abortion, people ignore God, and His laws. Many people know that as well as destroying babies, abortion harms the mothers involved, whether by the grief and guilt many feel, or psychological problems, or even a greater likelihood of suffering physical ailments; but everyone deserves to know the truth which is rarely mentioned: that all who request or take part in an abortion risk their Eternal salvation, unless they repent before they die.
If we could see into the womb of a pregnant woman, as if through a window, we would see a tiny infant, given life by God, and meant to receive love and education by its parents, in preparation for a good life on earth, and the eventual gift of Heaven. How blessed are those children who are welcomed as the fruit of their parent's union, as God intends.
There are people who search vast areas of Europe to discover the massive graves of the war-dead, to bring evil-doers to justice; yet a similar evil continues even today, as hundreds of thousands of babies are torn from the womb by doctors, at the request of the mothers, as nurses assist. It's as though, today, there are new 'war-dead': infants slaughtered in the war against life.
Modern countries call themselves civilized. But they differ from those ancient cultures who offered human sacrifice only in that people today usually try to hide what they do. Unborn babies are routinely killed, supposedly to bring happiness to the mothers, and some elderly or sick persons are killed, to make life easier for other people: killed in modern hospitals, quietly, by professionals who defy God and ruin their own souls.
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