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The tearful child who stayed in a corner not only lacked confidence, but lacked trust; it was self-engrossed; and so it is with us, in the spiritual life, if we are self-centred.
Christ was curled up, as it were, in a corner of this person's soul, unable to help them because of the clutter of their preoccupations.
At the Mass the Holy Spirit binds us together with Christ like corn bound into a single sheaf
At the Mass the Holy Spirit binds us together with Christ like corn bound into a single sheaf
The Holy Spirit binds us into a sheaf with Christ, like ears of corn gathered as one offering to the Father.
One day, I showed Christ my true secret thoughts. He did not scorn such little woes, but rewarded me for my honesty about that truth.
As corn is cut whether by a sickle or a machine, so wherever prayer is offered to God the Father in the name of Jesus, His Son, by sincere people, such prayer honours Him; and it brings blessings upon those who offer it - whether at formal gatherings or in small private groups, or individuals.
The souls of those who live in serious sin, without following God's laws and the Church's teachings, are like a sea of melting ice, in which there is no hope of life; the souls of those in a 'state of grace', however, are like a land of fruit trees, cornfields, rivers and blue skies, far above the icy wastes, close to a mountain whose top lies in heaven.
A Catholic's soul is almost lifeless - like a vast melting ice sheet unable to provide for life - if there is no evident love for Jesus, especially for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Catholic programmes are deeply flawed which omit, diminish or scorn devotion to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.
God pours out into our souls tremendous graces when we confess our sins in the Sacrament of Penance. As a dirty room needs cleaning right into the corners, so our souls need purifying in every 'area' - by the grace of Christ, Who is at work in His Church.
Christ wants us to respect priests who are 'other Christs' amongst us. But when a priest publicly speaks against the teaching of the Church on faith or morals we are not wrong to warn others about the danger of listening to his advice - though we must not speak with scorn or malice. And we should pray for him.
Christ sees everything that human beings do. Human life is like a long, dimly-lit corridor; yet though people act in dark corners or behind closed doors, He sees and understands everything people do, whether in hidden areas, behind locked doors, in bright chambers or dark rooms - or in cellars deep underground. He loves sinners, but loathes sin; and so He encourages us all to repent, and He longs for everyone to change.
Some preachers live alongside their flock, keeping silent. We can picture a man who finds a field of corn, growing naturally, but refuses to let it be cut to feed the hungry because it looks beautiful. That is what happens when Missionaries refuse to endanger 'natural' religions by refusing to offer the Gospel. They deny the people, amongst whom they live, the bread of truth, and the Bread of Life, which is Jesus Christ, with His Church, Sacraments, and Eternal Life.
When people die, they see the truth at last, which some of them have scorned or disbelieved, about there being one true Church: the Catholic Church, which teaches the truth, and in which Christ has placed, as His vicar, the Pope.
It saddens Christ when Catholics pour scorn on Traditional prayers and devotions, or on those traditional clothes worn by the Clergy in honour of the Sacred vocation they have as Ministers of the altar and members of the Hierarchy.
The Church is like an ocean-liner, launched by Christ. He sees that many people on board argue about the purpose of the ship, minimise the danger of travelling independently, and pour scorn on the dangers of the water. By such dissent, those passengers lead people astray. It is as if they were throwing other people into the water, so powerful is their influence Yet they will have to account for their irresponsible words.
Mankind has travelled a long road, since our first parents sinned, and turned a corner, exiled from God's presence. Another corner was turned when God made a Covenant with Abraham, and taught His People, and promised a Saviour. Another corner was turned with the arrival of Jesus, God and man, Saviour, Who died for our sins, to bring forgiveness, and union with the Father for all believers. To ignore Jesus and to prefer inter-faith prayer, in which He is not mentioned, is to deny the Christian faith; it says, in effect, that for union with God, and salvation,
In the whole history of our salvation, a corner was turned when Abraham was called to leave his homeland and to follow where God led him. Later, Moses too was obedient, and received the Ten Commandments - all as preparation for the time when God Himself would come to earth to make people holy, and to offer His life in Sacrifice.
In the whole history of God's plan of salvation, a new corner was turned in the road when Christ was conceived, and born of Mary, and then in adult life walked towards the Cross, and the death He would offer up as atonement for our sins: the death by which He would make salvation possible for all who trust in Him.
God created good people. But those first human beings rebelled against God, and so turned a corner in the great 'road' of our salvation history. They left behind the joys of Eden; but God would choose a people to follow Him, and would promise a Saviour Who would help people to regain their lost innocence. He would restore the life of Divine grace to their souls.
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