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We must avoid the 'broad road'. Those members of the Clergy, and other Catholics, who advise people that what the Church says is gravely sinful behaviour is not in fact sinful, or simply not worth making sacrifices to avoid, are encouraging people to walk along the broad road that leads to Hell. They risk sharing the fate of the people they have helped to commit mortal sin and who, if unrepentant at death, reach Hell.
A member of the Clergy - or anyone else - who shares his doubts about articles of faith, or invites others to disregard the Church's moral teachings, is like a man who invites someone to bathe in a shark-infested sea. To lead someone into sin is like delivering a person to the demons.
It is to the Pope and the other Catholic Bishops that we look for an authentic interpretation of Sacred Scripture. The Church gave us the Bible. The Church guards and opens it. There are thousands of other people who, sad to say, prefer their personal interpretations.
When a crop of wheat is ruined with mould, it cannot provide nourishment; similarly, when dissenting Catholics spread disbelief or confusion they can neither hand on an authentic Faith nor find comfort themselves in the practice of it. This is not something that can be ignored, when Bishops notice it. It requires firm action, so that a good 'crop' can be grown for the future.
Not infrequently, some Catholics raise their voices to contradict, in public, the sure teachings of the Church, and so to disturb the faith of fellow-Catholics and spread confusion. Just as Pope Pius X wrote about this problem, so a Pope in another age needs to be just as brave in speaking the truth about dissent.
A careful look will show the truth, that even if it seems as if the fields are ripe for harvest, a crop is useless because of mould. Similarly, there are many people who call themselves practicing Catholics who in fact disbelieve many Church teachings, loudly share their disbelief, and so can neither hand on the Faith with conviction nor take comfort from it in their own difficulties.
Where there is dissent from Church teaching in a group or community which is meant to promote Church teaching and to support the Church, it is as if the ladder to Heaven which ascends from such a place is partly obscured by the smoke of disbelief, and has broken rungs, which delay the faithful on their journey.
The smoke of Satan has entered the Church, causing many Catholics to approve of various types of immorality, to practice forbidden acts, to protest about legitimate discipline and constant teachings on faith and morals, to demand Papal approval of heresy, to water down the truth when catechising others, and to show little reverence for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.
Many people search for the way into Heaven. Catholics who offer to enquirers a watered-down version of the Catholic Faith, failing to speak truthfully about sin and repentance, make it harder for those people to achieve Eternal Life. They brick up the door to Heaven, so to speak, as surely as bricking up an entrance to a church, our threshold to Heaven, if they allow people to continue in those sins which are, objectively, mortal sins, yet receive them into full Communion, or baptise them.
The Catholic Faith should make Saints of us, people baptised, forgiven, transformed, enlightened, and worthy to worship on the threshold of Heaven, before the altar, until the time God calls us home to Heaven. The watered-down Faith sometimes offered today, which minimises the supernatural and even fails to request that candidates and catechumens give up their sins, is almost on a level with a Boy-Scout manual which requests good deeds but not faith or contrition.
Those members of the Clergy or Religious Life who mislead the faithful by direct dissent from Church teaching or by subtle suggestions that she is wrong on matters of faith or morals, are offending God, endangering souls, and indeed propelling themselves towards Hell by their behaviour. Unlike some heretics who have the virtue of honesty, even if mistaken, these dissenters corrupt the Church from within, whilst claiming to be orthodox.
Christ teaches us, through His Church; so Catholics who refuse to believe in the teachings of the Church and even lead others astray by promoting their opposing views will arrive, at death, at the same place as the unbelievers, which is to say, at the edge of the Abyss, at some distance from the only crossing, which is Christ Himself, our bridge to Heaven. Unless they repent, and run to Him, they are doomed, because of their own freely-made choices and decisions.
Some people refuse to open their hearts to God about their fears, sins and weaknesses, even though they go through the motions of leading ordinary lives as faithful Catholics. It's as if their soul is like a garden, hidden behind locked gates - the will - as they keep God out, but also keep out His wisdom and His consolations.
God's faithful people are walking steadily towards Heaven, bravely remaining true to Him, and to His laws, and united in love for Him and one another. Dissident Catholics are like people who stand at one side, saying to them, "You're going the wrong way!" - and inviting them to ignore the teachings of the Church and to resent her discipline.
There are Catholics who complain about the Church and the world; but each of us needs a reminder that Catholics who cannot be bothered to get out of bed in the morning, to pray with reverence to their infinitely lovable and holy Saviour, are not going to become great friends of His, and cannot expect to be given great work to do, unless they change.
Very few Catholics accept the truth: that it is Christ Who teaches us through His Church; and that she teaches the truth about faith and morals. It is with pride that many speak, when they say, in effect: "On the subject of contraception, I know better, what is right and wrong, than all these Patriarchs, Prophets, teachers, Popes, Bishops and Saints."
A priest should lead his people upwards towards Heaven, on a sure path. If he teaches them to ignore the Pope's teaching, and says that we should dispute Church teachings, and that there is plenty of time and no need to repent, it is as if he leads them into a comfortable house in a cul-de-sac. It was built by Satan, as a trap, so that they might sit there discussing moral issues and never make up their minds to obey God and to do His Will, made known through the Church.
The Catholic Church is a visible body on earth, that cannot be mistaken for any other. It is not possible for her to water down her teachings in order to placate Christians in other bodies; yet her Bishops and other clergy can speak, side by side with other Christians, about matters in secular society on which all Christians agree.
Although the Pope hands on the truth, there is a cancer at the heart of Europe, which consists of disbelief in God and His laws, which leads to the promotion of wicked laws, and the encouragement of immoral acts and attitudes. It is not so elsewhere, in some societies called poor or primitive, but which live a vibrant, full-bodied Catholic Faith.
Christ wants everyone to see what He sees: that many people are ignoring what is good and embracing evil; but of those who have stepped onto His path to Life, a large number are making little progress. They argue so much about the teachings of His Church, disagreeing with His chosen teachers - the Pope and other Catholic Bishops; and Christ cannot ask them to do great work.
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