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"Radiant Light" Images: These provide a sort of 'Catechism in pictures'. The purpose of 'Radiant Light' images is to cast light upon the teachings of the Catholic Church, to enable people of all places and backgrounds to see with clarity the most important truths of the Catholic Faith, to help them to enter or persevere on the one Way to Heaven, following our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The Church in every age meets mockery and persecution; and she prays to Heaven for help and is always answered. God sends star-bursts of light, which are persons and movements which show out truth and love, renewing the Church, bringing new hope to the weak and consolation to the faithful.
God gives us all sorts of help, in earthly life. When we turn to a favourite saint, to ask for his or her prayers, it's as though we have turned towards an elder brother or other relation about building a home, for example, if he were an architect. Christians are wise if they turn to the great experts in the Faith: the heroes and heroines who remained faithful and reached Heaven.
The Church hands on the message of Jesus Christ. People who ignore God, and hate the Church or her teachings are seen by Christ as living in a degree of spiritual darkness, even if they were not told good things about the Catholic Faith when they were young. And no-one can enter Heaven without having shown some degree of humility and penitence before God. That is why we, today, should proclaim the message of St. Peter: "Repent - that your sins may be blotted out". Unbelievers, and proud people, cannot enter.
All sad and wounded persons can find help through prayer. Every victim of abuse by a priest can find help and strength if he will turn to Our Blessed Lady, who will lead him towards her son. Healing rays of Divine Grace can work marvels in the hearts, minds and souls of those wounded in childhood, and still preoccupied, today, with horrible memories. God can even help them to live out their faith by forgiving their abusers.
All over the world, people pray prayers, sending them up towards God the Father Who hears everything. But when there are prayers that rise up in the Name of Jesus by people faithful to Jesus, it's as if Jesus Himself is rising up to intercede with the Father, Who cannot fail to hear and answer such prayers; hence our confidence, if we live in a state of grace.
How marvellous it is, that the Father has revealed His nature to us. The Father delights in our prayers, and in our trust in His Son, Jesus Christ. We can picture Him reaching down to each of us as we offer our petitions in the Name of His Son with confidence and faith.
By our own freely-made choices, we alter our destiny. Those who persist in selfishness and sin, despite the help given by God to reflect upon their lives, and to turn to Him in contrition and trust, will find themselves led, at death, into total alienation and spiritual hopelessness, as if through a dark doorway, unlike those who have persevered in faith and love, and who are raised up in the glorious life of Heaven, to share the joy of the Saints, forever.
Catholics who choose to disbelieve major truths of faith and morals are in danger of going astray, further and further away from Christ. For example, anyone who approves of abortion, which is the equivalent of throwing away a baby into a deep pit, or who herself thinks she will choose an abortion, is in danger of falling in herself, or, rather, of falling into the pit that, for her, would represent Hell.
Even if they are kind to their friends, very many young Catholics cannot be bothered to pray, to give up their sins, to attend Holy Mass, or to show reverence, like the Saints. Many loll in an armchair to pray, without much respect or reverence, and then feel virtuous because they have spoken to God.
We must encourage one another really to believe in Jesus Christ. If I am one of those fearful Catholics who constantly feels trapped between the memory of my sins, which we feel will bring us to Hell, and the assaults or temptations of the evil one - like a roaring beast, trying to devour us - I should look away from myself, upwards, to Jesus. If we call on Him, He is powerful enough to help us. But, to call, we first need faith in Him.
Christ looks on with gladness when we keep His Commandments, out of love for Him; but it is a cause for sadness, in His sight, that many Catholics praise people who are fervent in obeying the second Great Commandment about love for neighbour, but are scornful about people who are fervent about the First Great Commandment, and who are concerned for the honour of God, the dignity of Catholic worship, and the faithful handing-on of revealed Truth. Those are even called fundamentalists!
It takes courage to be faithful to Catholic teaching on marriage. What Christ wants to see are many more faithful Catholic women: women who accept God's plan for married life, for example, and who avoid all sinful practices so common in our culture, and who do not neglect their children; women who pursue a career only if their children are genuinely well cared for; women who do not see it as demeaning to serve the family, and to respect their husbands, yet with each spouse respecting the other.
The prayer that is offered with real faith in Jesus' name goes swift as an arrow to Heaven, whereas the prayer offered in half-belief is like a little flame of hope that is swiftly extinguished by a new, doubting thought, then is set alight again by an influx of faith, but not yet strong enough to reach Heaven.
If we feel frustrated in our efforts to share the Faith, or lonely, it's important to remember those Christians far away whose sufferings are far greater, and who suffer persecution all their lives, until death. Some are even unable to receive the Sacraments. We can offer up our little sufferings, with Christ, to comfort them in their great trials.
It can be tempting, to go from parish to parish, looking for a priest who will really 'understand' our soul, and free us from our scruples. But if we picture the Catholic Church as being like one vast tent, in which we have priests to help us, it can seem rather foolish to go from priest to priest, disbelieving the assurances of one, then turning round to seek opinions from another. Better to trust in Christ, who guides us through His faithful priests and who certainly forgives our sins in each good confession.
It is Christ our God, our Saviour and High Priest, Who has become the Head of His Mystical Body, the Church. He has also given us a leader on earth: the Pope, the Bishop of Rome who, with the Catholic Bishops in Communion with him, teaches the Catholic Faith and encourages us to remain faithful. Christ is pleased when we show devotion and respect towards the papacy, and to each Pope.
If we want to be saved, we must abandon our sins, like good people of past ages. Wise people follow the teaching of the Church. It is Christ Who wants us to believe what she tells us about faith and morals. There are people who call themselves 'practicing Catholics', however, whose ways of life include acts regarded with horror, for centuries: unchastity, contraceptive us, divorce with attempted re-marriage, and a failure to hand on the Faith to their families. Everyone needs the Divine grace given through prayer and the Sacraments, to be able to put the Catholic Faith into practice.
It is as if they are choosing to dive into darkness, whenever Catholics decide to ignore the teaching of the Church and follow a way of life always regarded by Christians with horror - involving unchastity, contraceptive use, divorce and attempted re-marriage, combined with a failure to hand on the Faith in its entirety to the children they do have. To ignore the Church's teaching is to ignore Christ, Who guides her by His Spirit - although Christ sees that some people are not entirely blameworthy, perhaps because of fear or ignorance.
All Christians should recognise the power of Christian prayer. To pray 'in the name of Jesus' - or 'through Christ our Lord' - is to pray with faith in our union with our one and only Saviour: the God-man Who sacrificed His life for us, but conquered death and sin by His death and R+D5182esurrection. It is also to pray with faith in His prayer, Who perpetually intercedes for us with our Heavenly Father. It's as if all the people, projects and situations I pray about, or intercede for, are swept up in one great prayer from my heart to Heaven, in the power of the Holy Spirit: Spirit of Jesus.
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