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Where abortion is freely available, many young people have adopted a hedonistic outlook, supposing that if they want to get drunk, it's their right; if they unexpectantly conceive babies, they can get rid of them; and if the Government wants them to stop having babies, they should extend the provision of free contraceptives.
People are bound to be confused, when the law-makers tell them that it is acceptable to arrange for a 24 week baby-in-the-womb to be killed by abortion, yet that the police should treat as murder the killing of a 24-week-gestation baby immediately after birth. Both killings are morally wrong.
When societies in which abortion is common-place offer help to poorer countries, they sometimes make their offer of aid conditional upon the adoption of immoral practices such as contraception, abortion, and sterilisation. They damage families, and foster an anti-child mentality amongst women by their extreme feminist propaganda. It is a modern form of colonialism.
When people who have never read a serious book about Catholicism complain about episodes of Catholic history and hate the Church, it is best not to argue about history but to say: 'Look at the Church, as she is': the unique unity in Faith, government and worship, unique in handing on the body of truths, in helping the sick and needy, defending lives, including the unborn, inspiring artists, architects, composers, promoting education, all with confidence in God. Outside the Catholic Church people do not have such clear teaching. It is the one Church founded by Jesus Christ, Who still guides her, in union with the Father, and the Holy Spirit.
It is strange that, in an era when a Government claims to want to save lives, and puts up countless adverts about ways in which to avoid unnecessary death, it promotes, funds and approves of abortion; and many people even object to inoffensive posters which are about 'life' issues.
Something is badly wrong, when in a so-called civilised society, women are welcomed into state-funded hospitals, to have their unborn babies destroyed, helped by doctors and nurses who were trained to heal the sick.
Rather than just warning us against unhealthy lifestyles, doctors and governments should warn us against the dangers of abortion.
Not speaking, here, of invincible ignorance, The Lord asks: Of what value is the praise of someone who declares: "O God, I love and praise You, but I am determined to ignore Your chosen teachers in the Church and to work in Government to extend the provision of abortions".
Without strong moral foundations, and respect for human life from conception to natural death, society is gradually torn apart
People in Government, in any country, who promote legislation which encourages abortion or sexual immorality, or other serious evils, will find themselves moving along the 'broad road' to Hell, unless they repent before they die. In Hell, there is no love, peace, purity or joy but only fire, terror, noise, anger and pain.
People who are deliberately and directly involved in passing laws which permit the neglect or abuse of children or the killing of tiny infants by abortion - or who practice those evils - by their own actions build a wall between themselves and God. Unless they repent, they cannot join Him when they die, but must be damned.
People are co-operating with the evil one when they frame laws which permit a greater number of abortions or which permit the neglect or abuse of children - or when they carry out such acts. Unless these people repent, they cannot break down the wall they have built between themselves and God, and must go down, when they die, to join the evil one forever.
A brave politician who is willing to defend innocent life by protesting against the misguided Government's provision of abortion 'services' is of the same mind as God on this issue, even if he is mistaken about less important matters in everyday life, and unclear about other matters of justice.
Satan is the source of the evil 'smoke' which covers much of the world, that 'smoke' being the willingness of troubled persons, and politicians, to promote or arrange abortion provision. Here and there, a brave politician speaks up for the sanctity of life - including the lives of unborn babies.
Many politicians do not see how strange is their stance on life. They claim to be compassionate persons who want to save lives, in countries blighted by war, poverty and earthquakes; meanwhile, in their own countries and elsewhere, they build or allow a conveyor-belt of procedures by which unborn babies - live human beings - can be slaughtered just because they are unwanted by their mothers.
Those politicians who repeatedly seek to encourage further abortions are as if moving their desks further and further away from their proper place, so that those people are sitting within an inch of Hell - into which they will fall unless they repent before they die.
Many women cry out about their human rights, and even their 'right to choose', that is, to choose to destroy a little human being in the womb. No-one has such a right, whereas every little baby, however small, most certainly has the right not to be killed: a right which politicians should be defending.
Pontius Pilate said, of Jesus: "I find no fault with Him". Yet he gave Him to be scourged and killed, to satisfy the clamour of the crowd. That is what is done today, as politicians allow innocent, unborn babies to be slaughtered in the womb, to satisfy the clamour of people who don't want their own children.
The attitude of some Catholic politicians is like that of Pontius Pilate. They say that they see abortion as wrong but do not want to impose their views on other people. Rather, like Pilate, they stand aside, and allow murder to be committed upon the innocent to satisfy the shouts of the crowd, which, for them, is much of the electorate.
Although the Pope hands on the truth, there is a cancer at the heart of Europe, which consists of disbelief in God and His laws, which leads to the promotion of wicked laws, and the encouragement of immoral acts and attitudes. It is not so elsewhere, in some societies called poor or primitive, but which live a vibrant, full-bodied Catholic Faith.
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