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Our God is like a blazing fire. Into that life and light we hope to enter. Christ leads us to that perfection.
It is when we have been close to Christ, and so are ablaze with His love, that we can hope to 'set fire' to other souls.
Christ's Holy Mother now lives the 'resurrection life' we hope to enjoy; and she is very close to Christ, and to us.
We have a choice: to climb the mountain of holiness before we die, and go through the 'curtain' at death straight to Heaven, by God's grace; or to make great efforts, or half-hearted efforts, then finish the ascent in Purgatory; or we can choose to give up the climb, and to fall away, and to abandon the hope of reaching Heaven after death.
Like Mary, we sometimes have to face the 'burial' of our earthly hopes; yet God can give us lasting joy if we put our trust in Him.
In turning to the Risen Christ who is with the Father in Heaven, I find in Christ all the saving events of His life which are the reason for my hope.
In turning to the Risen Christ who is with the Father in Heaven, I find in Christ all the saving events of His life which are the reason for my hope.
Along the Road to Heaven: It's better if we keep our eyes on the bright summit of the Holy Mountain than on the gloomy road below.
God showed me how the greatest flame of charity burns in the heart of those who would bring faith and hope to tormented and tortured people - as well as physical help and healing.
If we hope to be saved, the importance of Baptism cannot be exaggerated. It is the means chosen by God by which a person's state becomes glorious. Sin is banished, and Divine Life is given, life which enables that person to live in union with God, and in the hope of attaining Heaven, by the grace of Christ.
A surgeon who gives a serious diagnosis sometimes has little hope of a cure. A priest who has to 'diagnose' serious sin can offer, as a cure, complete forgiveness and peace to those who sincerely repent!
A surgeon who gives a serious diagnosis sometimes has little hope of a cure. A priest who has to 'diagnose' serious sin can offer, as a cure, complete forgiveness and peace to those who sincerely repent!
We are not all called to full-time missionary work; but we should all hope to share our Faith by example and sometimes words. Brave Catholics, called by God to share the Faith boldly, are like charitable people who are willing to hand out maps, free, to passers by, because so many people do not take the road to the City of God, but the wrong road, into a cul-de-sac, in which they will never meet their King and Creator.
Anyone on earth can choose to call out for God's help, hoping to be heard. Yet those baptised into Christ and made adopted children of God now live in His Light. They can speak with God as with a friend. They have a sure hope of Heaven if they remain faithful to the end. Christ's Spirit, living in them, gives knowledge of God, intimacy and hope, and is a 'lamp' for the way ahead.
Whoever loves and trusts God, and remains faithful to Him, is drawn to His heart as surely as someone swept to the centre of a whirlpool
We can see Our Lady kneeling near the foot of the Cross, her son's head in her lap, His body spread before her, as she cradles Him. If we remain faithful we can hope to meet, one day, the Saviour Who rose to life again, and the Holy Mother who bore Him.
Whenever we 'show' the Lord in Prayer all our problems, hopes, sins, and resolutions, we make acts of trust in Him. By such acts, we are building a stairway which brings us even closer to Him - by His grace.
From the glory of Heaven, God has made a bridge to earth, through Christ, so that all who believe in Him and are baptised can have a sure hope of reaching Heaven. He is the only bridge, open to all people.
God sees every good effort of human beings to serve Him. Sincere people in many religions reach out towards Heaven, to praise their Creator, however they picture Him, and in the hope of contact with Him. Yet the Catholic Faith is different from other religions in that, at every Mass, Heaven is laid open above us. Christ's power and Christ's intercession allow us to reach the Father, in the Spirit, through baptism and faith and the Sacrifice of the Mass.
Someone who refuses to repent of wrong, refuses to show contrition, or refuses to make reparation to those whom he has wronged, is in a dangerous place as if on the sloping side of the crater of a volcano. He might live in hope of reaching the top. But each new movement of rebellion makes him slide closer to the sheer precipice, from which only a miracle of grace can rescue him.
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