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Holding His hand, side by side with Him, I must plead for the living and for the departed, holding His wounded hand.
When we pray for others in Jesus's name, we lift them up before the Father, confident he will hear us
Jesus gives great power of intercession to Our Lady and St Joseph, and to all who pray for others in his name
It is through Jesus, who intercedes for us at Holy Mass, that our prayer rises to the Father, in the Spirit. We are like people perched on a hillside together, calling out to Heaven with Him.
It is through Jesus, who intercedes for us at Holy Mass, that our prayer rises to the Father, in the Spirit. We are like people perched on a hillside together, calling out to Heaven with Him.
The more we resemble Christ by patient acceptance of unavoidable suffering, the closer to Him we are, as we hold His wounded hands, and pray with and through Him to our Father in Heaven, to help others.
One who is shaped and tested by suffering can plead with Christ before the Father, to help other souls.
By faith in Christ, freely given to us, we are led to intercede for others and help them in their difficulties.
By our priestly work of intercession we can draw people closer to God
Jesus Christ is our High Priest who intercedes for us to the Father at every Mass
Jesus Christ is our High Priest who intercedes for us to the Father at every Mass
Through Christ, we gather others into the light of God.
Each person we pray for is lifted into the light of God and helped by the prayers of the saints
Each person we pray for is lifted into the light of God and helped by the prayers of the saints
When we pray in the name of Christ our prayer can enfold the whole world
When we pray in the name of Christ our prayer can enfold the whole world
The more firmly we hold on to Christ, the more surely we can help others through our efforts, in intercession and action.
A person who bears pains and humiliations in patience, out of love for Christ, is like Him Who was wounded for our sake; and in her union with Christ in love, she and He can make one prayer and one Sacrifice to offer to the Father, in homage, in reparation for sin, and in intercession for sinners today.
An offering of infinite value ascends from the altar at every Mass as Jesus pleads to the Father on our behalf
He showed me how one simple prayer of ours can unite Him to others. He touches them by His grace, and so helps all their loved ones.
Showing 41 - 60 of 456