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We find the greatest joy in meeting Christ at the tabernacle when we have removed the rubbish - our failings - that clutter our path to Heaven.
A soul who is absorbed in itself, devoid of warmth towards its fellow creatures, is in a dangerous state. It resembles the frozen wastes of the Arctic, where there is little life or joy or hope.
As well as ensuring reverent, beautiful worship of God, Christianity, properly practiced, makes society flower, with mutual help, care for the needy, beauty, joy, human advancement and freedom.
The journey of faith leads to light and joy, but we must be careful not to fall into the darkness through carelessness or pride
The journey of faith leads to light and joy, but we must be careful not to fall into the darkness through carelessness or pride
The journey of faith leads to light and joy, but we must be careful not to fall into the darkness through carelessness or pride
Jesus was made refreshed and joyful by sitting with His friends in Bethany, in a welcome silence. He knew He was loved, and though He was full of compassion for needy people He was glad to retire for a while from the noise and bustle of the crowds.
When people accept God's call, and approach Him, some halt soon afterwards, being afraid that He will ask them to do uncongenial tasks, or make sacrifices they don't want to make. They do not really open their hearts to Him in prayer, for the same reason, and picture the Godhead as a massive fortress or walled city, with an open door they do not want to enter. They do not discover, therefore, all the joys and delights found inside by God's friends.
People who are trapped in their sins have no lasting happiness. Those who are enslaved by particular sins or bad habits have confined themselves to even greater isolation and futility. All need the 'outside help' which is God's grace, to achieve freedom and true joy.
Those who emerge from death all ready for Heaven, and those who emerge from Purgatory after purification, are like people finally standing on a platform at the station, with bag packed. They are joyful, free of anxiety, and looking forward to going 'home'.
If we greet Christ warmly in Holy Communion, we want to see our friends enjoy His love; and we can help them by our prayers, and by 'Christ-within-us' reaching out to include others in His embrace.
It is good that we delight in beautiful things and thank God for them.
Our Father in Heaven looks with delight upon everyone who speaks with others about His Son, Jesus, and Jesus' Holy Mother Mary. We are right to share our faith with joy, glorifying God and helping other people.
We confess our sins at the beginning of Mass, but we must not become despondent about our little failings. Heaven is ablaze with light, and full of joy, right now; and we who join in the Sacred Mysteries join in Heaven's praise.
Everyone alive is loved by Christ our God. Yet when we are reconciled to Him through sacramental confession, and renewed in love and joy, we are wrapped in His love as His own brothers or sisters or children.
Everyone alive is loved by Christ our God. Yet when we are reconciled to Him through sacramental confession, and renewed in love and joy, we are wrapped in His love as His own brothers or sisters or children.
A person who is cured of smallpox is fervent and joyful as he explains his cure; and so it is when people have their sins forgiven, and are grateful. They are the most fervent in speaking to others about Christ their Saviour.
Long ago, before the world was made, it was already in the Mind of God - and part of the 'Joy' of God - that He would one day be sacramentally, substantially Present on earth, with those who love Him, in the Mass, and in the tabernacle.
Truly, each priest can turn to Our Lady for help, confident that she has a special interest in his hopes, joys, fears and sorrows. She keeps very close to her Immaculate Heart all who are configured to her son.
Truly, each priest can turn to Our Lady for help, confident that she has a special interest in his hopes, joys, fears and sorrows. She keeps very close to her Immaculate Heart all who are configured to her son.
Showing 121 - 140 of 466