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A person who is in mortal sin who not only disobeys God's Commandments but deliberately leaves the Church is like a man on a narrow ladder, in a mine-shaft, above a fiery pit, who deliberately cuts the safety-rope that God had put around him to save him from falling into the flames.
The journey to union with God is only a slow journey, if a person is half-hearted in serving Him and fearful of His demands. The one who surrenders completely to God by obedience to Him in everyday life makes swift progress in prayer, as if travelling in a fast vehicle, not on foot.
God invites us to love Him, to follow the hard road of obedience until we die, and share His love, with the Saints, eternally. People who refuse to love God and who deliberately take the broad road, refusing to repent of their sins, find that at death, by their own choice, they remain on the same path, on which there is no light from Heaven, nor any Heavenly peace, joy, beauty or companionship. To be without God is to exist in Hell.
The path of love for Christ, and obedience, leads straight towards Heaven, for the faithful. Those Catholics who are disobedient or faithless take a dark, downward path. There can be an opportunity, before death, for repentance, at which the soul can be drawn up towards Heaven's light instead of falling down into Hell.
Only a person willing to change can co-operate with God's grace, to be freed from the bad habits, attitudes and beliefs which imprisoned him; then his bright soul can soar to God in confident and peaceful prayer.
When we surrender to the plans and wishes of our Heavenly Father, as made known to us through the Church, and through Providential meetings and conversations, it's as though we allow God to carry us along on a river of grace, wherever the current takes us; in this way we give joy to Christ, who also did His Father's Will.
Disobedient Catholics who refuse to obey the Church's teachings on contraceptive use, for example, act like a group of arrivals at a Cathedral who do not want to be too involved. They refuse to enter the main door, insisting on entering elsewhere, to descend to the Crypt by themselves. They have cut themselves off from full Communion with others.
People who do God's Will are carried steadily Heavenward on a river of grace, despite opposition, darkness and personal failings, whereas people who insist on following their own route stumble in the darkness of the muddy fields they try to cross, hampered by weeds, rough ground and broken fences.
It is a terrible sight for Christ to see, from Heaven, as people walk resolutely towards the flames of Hell: people who have refused to listen to His wise words about repentance and transformation: people who will be separated from Him eternally, through their own fault, if they do not repent of their sins before they die.
A very talented musician can produce work even more beautiful if she listens to the advice of her coach about very tiny improvements she can make; and so it is with people who already love Christ, and have sacrificed much for His sake. They can become even more saintly by following His guidance in even little details that could be improved, or little flaws that could be avoided.
Just as a brilliant musician can improve her musical technique even more if she listens to her coach, in trust and humility, so even mature Christians can advance in holiness if they listen to Christ, their supreme 'coach' who helps them in prayer, through His Church, to conquer their faults, and to grow in confidence, and trust in Him.
To go to Confession, to be forgiven, and then to do the penance required by the Church, is to do what is admirable in Christ's sight as well as beneficial to the person. It is as if Heaven comes down to surround that person who has been obedient out of love for God, and who is now reconciled.
There is one way into Heaven, made by Christ. It is found by people who walk along the road marked out by Christ. By repentance and Baptism, people are made radiant with Divine grace, ready to walk through the gates of Heaven when they die. Even the person in mortal sin, if he descends from his isolation, can be purified and made worthy to enter.
For peace of soul, the best means is to repent of all sin and to go to Confession. The Catholic Church offers this sacrament all over the world; furthermore, in order to reach Heaven it is necessary to be reconciled with God.
When a person is torn between serving God as any Catholic ought, and succumbing to wrong-doing, he will be fortunate if he hears a friend say to him: "God will give you real joy, and real peace-of-soul, when you stop trying to seize the pleasures of human life, and decide to aim for the joys of heaven."
In different parts of the world are Christians claiming to have Heavenly visions. All might seen sincere; some of these people might be trapped by their own lies, or some by the deceptions of Satan, or some be truly in touch with Christ. Obedience is the key in this; obedience to those in authority in the Church is a sign of love for God, and trust in Him and His Will.
Everyone who has visions in prayer should be very cautious, and seek the advice of those in authority in the Church. They can prove their love for God by their obedience. People who insist on what their 'visions' ask of them, even against the request of Church authorities, are in danger of being led astray. Some visions come from Satan, who loves to give pleasure if he can thereby draw people down to Hell.
The Lord asks: "Who are these Catholics who dare to declare to the Father in Heaven: No, I know better than those you have placed in authority over us in the Church. I will not obey Your Laws which, in my view, are foolish!" We offend God if we are careless in our attitude and decisions about sexual morality and other matters.
When Christ is made Really Present, at the Consecration, He prays for the Whole Church, to the Father in the Spirit; yet those who are bodily present gain special graces from being willing to be near their Saviour, in obedience and reverence and love. What great loss is suffered, therefore, by Catholics who are so lazy, or whose faith is so lukewarm, that they rarely take part.
There was a time, long ago in Paradise, when our first parents loved to serve God, and were, for a short while, prompt to fulfil all His wishes as soon as He had made them known. Then came the Fall. But now, even God's children today often hide from Him.
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