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The Father looks down from Heaven with a compassionate gaze, seeing all the elderly parents who are regarded as a nuisance by their healthy adult children. He sees how few are invited to share their children's lives and homes when they are becoming lonely, and deserve love and attention.
Christ, Who asks each of us to 'Honour your mother and father', set us an example of care. Even when He was dying in agony, on the Cross, He remembered to commend His dear Mother to the care of St. John, to ensure that she had a loving home.
It is the Lord's dear wish that each child to whom He has given the gift of life will be brought up by it's parents to be worthy to inherit Eternal Life. It is tragic if children are made aware only of earthly life, and are led to believe that the purpose of life is to become rich, or to fill every moment with earthly pleasure.
All over the world are people in spiritual darkness, caused by original sin. Parents require the grace of God in order to bring up their child to have the right attitudes and beliefs, and so become holy; and they also need grace in order to love one another always with a love that is pure, fruitful and faithful.
There is little thought given by many young women to the grief they cause, by their abortions, to their own mothers. It has not occurred to some young women that in disposing of their own unborn babies they are in fact destroying their parents' grandchildren: destroying the next generation, which could have brought joy and fulfilment to themselves and to other family members.
It is claimed that an abortion is an event that pertains only to the mother who carries a tiny child, and that no-one else need be affected by her decision. Sad-to-say, several abortions in one family show out the truth: that several generations can be horribly altered by these deaths, and that babies who might have been parents or become priests or religious have been sacrificed and slain.
It is outrageous that the laws of our country have been framed so that parental responsibility has been badly dented. Though schools need the permission of parents before a school nurse can hand out minor medication, medical officials can arrange for a girl to have an abortion - a serious operation - without her parent's knowledge.
This image of a baby is a gift from Christ, as a reminder that human life is a gift from God. Each person conceived is a unique and precious human being: precious in God's sight - and meant to be cherished by those on earth who are his parents.
How few of those young women who think about having an abortion think about the fact that they are pondering the destruction of someone to whom all the family is related: grandparents, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces and siblings.
Some people accuse the Church of speaking far too often and too forcefully about sexual immorality. Yet Christ wants everyone to know what is sinful, and to abandon sinful behaviour. Christ is pleased with Clergy and parents who speak truthfully about morals.
Mankind has travelled a long road, since our first parents sinned, and turned a corner, exiled from God's presence. Another corner was turned when God made a Covenant with Abraham, and taught His People, and promised a Saviour. Another corner was turned with the arrival of Jesus, God and man, Saviour, Who died for our sins, to bring forgiveness, and union with the Father for all believers. To ignore Jesus and to prefer inter-faith prayer, in which He is not mentioned, is to deny the Christian faith; it says, in effect, that for union with God, and salvation,
A parent who, for selfish reasons, walks away from a spouse and children, is doing dreadful damage that can leave the children emotionally and spiritually crippled. God wants those sorts of parents to repent of their cruelty, and their new and immoral relationships.
There was a time, long ago in Paradise, when our first parents loved to serve God, and were, for a short while, prompt to fulfil all His wishes as soon as He had made them known. Then came the Fall. But now, even God's children today often hide from Him.
There was a disaster, long ago, which affected the whole of nature. From the time of the Original Sin of our first parents, the natural world has been full of danger, with the savagery of beasts and birds, despite their beauty, and the menace of poisonous creatures, as well as tidal waves and electric storms.
Parents are responsible for telling children of teenage years about sex, in appropriate ways. To disturb and puzzle little children by giving them unnecessary information in school, far too young, about sexual matters, even with no input about morals, would be a despicable act. They deserve a time of undisturbed joy and innocence, when they are not old enough to make judgements about what they are told.
It is right that communities, groups, and family members try to help one another to overcome problems and lead good lives; but only in the most exceptional circumstances should people in authority interfere in family life to the extent of depriving parents of their children: occasionally necessary, but otherwise a great evil.
It's as if God is like Three loving parents. Some people mock the simple requests of the faithful, and say that God is not a 'Sugar Daddy' or a Fairy Godmother. Christ wants us to know, however, that what He said in the Gospel is true. The nature of God is generosity and love. So when we ask God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - for something in prayer, believing that it will be ours, we shall receive it, if of course we have prayed properly, with trust and reverence, in the name of Jesus.
Some parents are automatically banished to a care home. Some people neglect their elderly relations, and lead busy and joyful lives even though their old parents are hundreds of miles away in poor accommodation, with little care and no luxuries. The Fourth Commandment is about honouring our father and mother, which means, no matter how old or frail they become.
It is normal for grieving parents to want special memorials for their departed child; but they must not fear that the child will be forgotten if they do not arrange a new trust or a charity to perpetuate the child's name. God never forgets his children - whatever age they were, however they died, and whether or not people on earth find that memories fade, to their surprise or embarrassment.
Water flows downstream, because of the law of gravity. This is the normal way, planned by God. Likewise, He has plans for families. It is usual for a child to be conceived of two parents: a man and a woman. It is the Will of God that children are looked after by a mother and a father, or, in case of tragedy, by a substitute mother and father.
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