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So good is Christ our Lord, that he shows His gratitude when we have made special efforts to do His Will.
It is a long way we must 'travel', if we are to persevere on our journey from sinful earthly life to the holiness and beauty of Heaven. Only by God's power, poured out in the sacraments, can we 'ascend' on high.
Sometimes we are too close to things to see their meaning. As the Lord 'expands' our view, we come to see things of real importance, such as the importance of persevering on the Way to Heaven. Someone whose view is first limited to the wallpaper in front of him, for example, can marvellously broaden his vision, to gaze almost as 'far' as Heaven.
As a beanstalk grows high, towards the sky, so should our spiritual life 'grow' towards Heaven. Though at times it seems as if we am growing 'downwards', the truth is that we can be moving in a great spiral, closer and closer to our Heavenly Home, even now, while we are doing little of outward importance.
Our determination to move towards Christ, even in difficulties, is like the determination of a child who struggles towards her mother, even when she can only just walk. Persistence is part of the journey.
It is right and necessary that we 'children of God' encourage others too to live in union with God through Baptism, and to persevere in love to the end. It is God's wish that when we are purified we enter Heaven as 'fire entering fire'. In God, there will be no more suffering or pain. Christ came down to earth, sharing our life, to offer us a share in His life.
The light of the Holy Spirit shines in the soul of someone who prays in Jesus' name; and those earnest prayers are heard in Heaven. It took decades of prayer before Communism fell in Russia. We must not lose hope that, with persevering prayer, the evil of abortion can be overcome.
Personal prayer, in our 'secret room', is never made alone; through Christ we are present with the whole company of Heaven
Each of us must 'climb' to Heaven in faith, hope and love, if we wish to reach glory, and avoid the smoke of Hell which lies below. With humility we can hope to persevere to the end, and to avoid lukewarmness, despair or self-satisfaction.
The Lord grants the graces of repentance and conversion in different ways, to different souls. This is not only to assist different personalities, but also to show out His own power, His patience, His generosity, and His wisdom. We must persevere in prayer for others, even when there seems to be little hope.
A person trapped in sinful ways needs help to change: even vigorous help, which he might not much like, though he has little strength of his own. He's as if in a desert, within sight of the 'oasis' of sanctity and peace. A good, brave person will vigorously help him to persevere on the path, even if receiving no thanks.
The blessed soul who has persevered to the end, in love of Christ and her neighbour, is led by the hand by Christ, to meet the Heavenly friends who are gathered to welcome her into their company. Like them, she now wears a 'wedding garment': a white robe.
It is worthwhile to persist in prayer for people in need, or in great trouble, and to pray even when there seem to be few results and little help. By prayer, a fervent soul can stop another from committing worse sins. By prayer, we can even prevent dying souls from falling into Hell.
When someone perseveres in intercession for a person in danger, it's as if someone allows herself to be suspended on a rope and lowered into a mineshaft, to rescue someone trapped on a broken ladder with no way up and only danger below. The 'rescuer' has to be supported from above; but she can invite the endangered person to hold on, and to be brought up high, to light and safety.
Only by the power poured down from Heaven to faithful souls, and through the work done by them to spread the Good News and to make reparation for sin, can the violence and slaughter in the world be overcome, as Heaven rejoices in every success in the war against violence and evil.
Someone who follows a humble, quiet, persevering way of prayer and faithfulness to God, is on the Way to Heaven, just as a man on a straight, well-lit motorway is making a safe journey to the city; unlike those who choose to struggle on foot, picking their own route across country, and encountering rabbit-holes, barbed wire and wild animals.
Christ is a true friend and companion to those who believe in Him and love Him.
Just as Our Blessed Lady persevered in hope, in the worst of all times, when her beloved son was dead, so must we all persevere in trust in God, even when our lives seem to be heading for disaster.
We need to maintain an inner peace at every provocation. If we are attacked, let us remember that Christ was followed and pestered by people who were determined to annoy Him, or to trap Him into some unwise or inflammatory answer.
Only in Heaven, Christ explained, is everybody perfect, so though we should all aim for perfection, none should grow despondent about our tiny faults, nor imagine that Christ is displeased with our efforts. (It is always possible, with God's help, to avoid mortal sin, if we wish).
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