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The Lord showed me that He sent out an arrow of faith, at my prayerful request, to someone in danger of spiritual death.
A prayer for someone far from God can help them be drawn out of the abyss of sin, by God's grace, if they are willing to respond
Helping our Neighbour: Each of us should do what we can, in our circumstances, to alleviate the sufferings of other people, both by practical help, sensible planning and prayer - remembering our duty to those nearest to us.
Christ unites his friends on earth in the 'Communion of Saints'. Every prayer offered through Christ touches or helps other souls.
When two people pray in the name of Christ, even if separated by distance, they are united in the communion of saints
Someone who adores Christ in the Mass and longs to do His work can remain in spirit beside the Cross all day, with Calvary's offering in mind - making at each moment, with Christ, expressions of love to the Father, thanks for everything good, reparation for sins (patiently accepting trials), prayers for help and salvation for individuals, and prayer for the Church.
People are helped by our intercessions for them in prayer as surely as a desperate person caught in a quicksand is helped by friends who winch him to safety from a helicopter.
When we pray for one sick person, then for 'all the sick'; or when we pray for a priest, and then 'for all the priests in the world', it's as if we have sent out, all at once, thousands of prayers - just as when an invitation composed on a computer can be sent in a moment to a large number of friends. The Holy Spirit prompts us to make a charitable thought, then to multiply our prayer by a single phrase.
Souls are powerfully helped by the prayers we offer with and through Christ at Mass. It's as if needy souls are 'carried' by the prayer of the Church, away from danger and distress.
Souls are powerfully helped by the prayers we offer with and through Christ at Mass. It's as if needy souls are 'carried' by the prayer of the Church, away from danger and distress.
People can be powerfully helped and drawn towards Heaven by the good example and the prayers of those who have already gone to Heaven.
The work of intercession is very important. By a single prayer we can - by God's grace - help a person in need just as when a man trapped in a gravel pit is helped when a rope is thrown down.
It is a cause for sadness, that many people never pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory - amongst whom might be their own friends and relations. It is not a light matter, either, that many do not themselves believe that they might need purification after death; it's as if they imagine they will all be perfect, ready for Heaven!
He had been transformed by his Holy Communion and by the prayer of a friend. On his forehead shone a new gem, which radiated an extraordinary light: sign of a particular virtue.
When we pray to Christ, and also ask for the prayers of His Mother Mary and the Saints and holy Angels, we can be sure of their assistance. Indeed, grace pours upon our needy friends, when we intercede for them, just like a torrent of spring water in a fast-flowing river.
The Saints in Heaven are well-placed to be able to turn to God and pray for us who still strive for holiness. The Saints are holier and more prayerful than even our kindest and most prayerful friends on earth; and we are wise if we ask for their help.
All the Holy Souls in Purgatory are needing prayer, especially those who are in the depths of Purgatory, and those who have no-one to pray for them.
All the Holy Souls in Purgatory are needing prayer, especially those who are in the depths of Purgatory, and those who have no-one to pray for them.
The Lord grants the graces of repentance and conversion in different ways, to different souls. This is not only to assist different personalities, but also to show out His own power, His patience, His generosity, and His wisdom. We must persevere in prayer for others, even when there seems to be little hope.
Someone who wants to prepare for Heaven should simply do the Will of God, for love of God - whether it is by labouring, teaching, serving, or praying; or simply offering up her sufferings in sickness, with Jesus, to help souls.
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