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When we die, perhaps unexpectedly, a person is in one of three states: either standing in the Light of God, ready to enter Heaven, or still at the foot of the stairway to Heaven, so that our Purgatory will consist of necessary purification, or else still trapped, by our free choice, in a grossly selfish way of life: trapped in unrepented sin, unable to enter Heaven, and therefore in Hell for all Eternity.
The Catholic Church is the 'city, set on a hill' by Christ, so that everyone can come to her, learn from her about God's plans, and about sin and virtue, and be reconciled and prepared for Heaven. Catholics must not disfigure the Church, by their bad behaviour; yet other Christians, though baptised, need her. She alone teaches the complete truth about Christ and His Way, opposing the spirit of of the age.
It is a tragedy when people die suddenly, especially if they are unprepared or trapped in mortal sin. Each is catapulted into the presence of the Creator, and is carried towards Heaven, if in a state of grace, possessed by the Holy Spirit, or else falls into Hell. We should all give up our sins, and love God, and show love for Him and our neighbour.
When a great natural disaster strikes, people are suddenly taken from what was preoccupying their heart, mind and efforts. They will be judged by God, who sees who was occupied with ordinary duties, who was planning an adulterous affair, for example, or who was cooking a meal and whether she was holy or in a state of mortal sin. How blessed are those who are ready to die at any moment.
It is a tragedy when a massive natural disaster strikes, and people on earth are suddenly orphaned, bereaved, or injured or lost; but it is an even greater disaster that so many of those who have died have gone to God whilst unprepared, or living in mortal sin. How fortunate are all who have led holy lives.
It is important to treat the dead with respect. Yet, no matter what type of death people die, no matter in what way they will be mourned, what counts, when they die, is whether they did so in friendship with God - which means they are on their way to God - or alienated from Him, forever to be without His love and beauty and peace. We all ought to prepare to leave this life.
Some people are catapulted into Hell, at death, having turned away from God and having refused to repent. Other people, not yet perfect, but sincerely loving God, are swept by a tide of Divine grace towards the safety of Purgatory where they can be purified and prepared for Heaven.
Just as an orchestra member steps forward to make music at a concert without any further practice, after years of training, so those souls whose sins have all been forgiven, and who have done penance, or have gained a Plenary indulgence, have no need for 'training' in Purgatory, before they join the great chorus of praise of God in Heaven, with all the Saints.
When a priest has repented of a terrible sin of child abuse and has been forgiven, he might try to lead a good life; but if he is half-hearted in his efforts to make amends, he will find himself, when he dies, deep in Purgatory, far down, as if through a lengthy corridor into the bowels of the earth, undergoing a thorough preparation for Heaven.
In the whole history of our salvation, a corner was turned when Abraham was called to leave his homeland and to follow where God led him. Later, Moses too was obedient, and received the Ten Commandments - all as preparation for the time when God Himself would come to earth to make people holy, and to offer His life in Sacrifice.
Just as no driver is allowed to risk lives on the road, without having been prepared and instructed, so, no-one making vows in the Church, for marriage or Religious Life, which can affect other lives for a life-time and even for Eternity, should do so without first receiving preparation and instruction by the clergy or by loyal, practicing Catholics, authorised by the clergy.
Christ spoke about sudden death, caused by the collapse of the tower at Siloam. He warned people to repent. In our day, catechesis and teachers are not wrong to say what He said, in appropriate ways. We might face sudden death. The question for each of us to ponder is: 'Am I ready to appear in God's presence, without a moment's notice?'
It is a terrible thing, to be unprepared for death and Heaven. A man can decide to become a great actor, a successful business man, or a brilliant guitarist - or might have some other ambition. But if all his energies are poured into the success of his ambition he will risk his soul. He will arrive at middle-age or old age having made no spiritual progress, and if indeed he has not lost all hope of salvation he will have a mountain to climb in Purgatory.
In the Story of Narnia there is a healing liquid which was used to bring a wounded boy back to health. The Precious Blood of Christ, received in Holy Communion, at Mass (also received, even when we only consume the Sacred Host), is like a healing liquid which makes us ready for Eternal Life. Knowing this, who can say, without seeming foolish, 'I can't be bothered to go to Mass'.
The Holy Spirit carries all faithful souls across the Abyss which separates earth from Heaven - though He does not carry all straight into Heaven, but to a place of purification, if they are not yet worthy. This place, called Purgatory, is represented here by the little ledge on the side of the cliff. The Holy Souls can see the fearsome depths below, and know that by God's grace they have been saved from falling into them.
In speaking about God the Father, some people say that God is cruel, to allow people to fall into Hell. The truth is, in His goodness, He invites everyone to respond to His love, to grow in union with Him, though Jesus Christ His Son, and to do good and prepare for the gift of Heaven. But how can anyone expect to be saved, who will not do what is essential, in preparation for such a privilege and gift? How can anyone benefit from Christ's work, who refuses to do as Christ asks: to pray, to obey His commands, and to love Him as well as our neighbour?
It is tragic that people think that God is cruel, to allow people to go to Hell. He is reaching out, all the time, to save us from the consequences of our sins, warning us of the total loss of joy and peace when people freely choose to try to live without His love. He even sent His Son to earth, as man, to speak to us, and to plead with us to repent, and lead holy lives in union with Him, in preparation for Heaven. He sacrificed His life for this - but still, many people walk away.
We should use the time well, doing good, and preparing for Heaven. At the end of earthly life, each of us will be on our way towards Heaven - carried by the Holy Spirit across the Abyss, even if we then pause in Purgatory - or on our way into Hell, in the depths of the Abyss. Our freely-made choices in this life affect our destiny. God is asking each of us: "What are you doing with your life?"
The souls in Purgatory suffer amidst the clouds of remorse and sin from which they are being purified. They desperately want our prayers, to aid them in their preparation for Heaven, by God's grace. It is tragic that many Catholics are careless about having a Mass said for the dead, or praying in private, and even more tragic that many Christians don't believe prayer for the Departed is necessary, despite its scriptural warrant. They in fact abandon their departed friends and relations.
The Lord showed me that, just as on a lengthy car journey there comes a time to put down the map, collect belongings, and pick up gifts for the people we are meeting, so, in life's journey, when we believe it is shortly to end, it's time to prepare, to clear up our belongings, leave gifts for those who are close to us, and prepare, spiritually, for our meeting with the Lord.
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