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To arrive in God's presence, at death, without having given up one's sins, is like appearing in filthy garments, with muddy footprints, and with doors open wide into the areas of one's life which are full of sins, foolish thoughts and other clutter, not yet cleared away. It is to be deeply ashamed, and not fit for Heaven.
There are near-misses on the roads every day, and even fatal crashes. Christians in other circumstances even risk death for their Faith. Are we all ready for Heaven, if we meet sudden death? Christ wants us to examine our lives, to make an honest assessment of our spiritual state, in case we have not repented of mortal sins.
A wise person tries to lead a life worthy of Heaven, and so is already living in God's glorious light, when at death, she is called to step forward into Heaven. People who are trapped in mortal sin, by their own free choices, are as if held in a deep pit, in this life. If they do not repent before they die, they will be in that pit at death, unable to enter Heaven, separated from God for all Eternity, by their own fault.
When we die, perhaps unexpectedly, a person is in one of three states: either standing in the Light of God, ready to enter Heaven, or still at the foot of the stairway to Heaven, so that our Purgatory will consist of necessary purification, or else still trapped, by our free choice, in a grossly selfish way of life: trapped in unrepented sin, unable to enter Heaven, and therefore in Hell for all Eternity.
The Lord explained about a further image of Hell, where people are trapped as a result of their own free choices, if they have not repented before they die. He said that very few people preach today about Hell; but if more will speak of it, a greater number of sinners can be helped to repent, and be saved.
The results of abortion are horrible. It's as if the little babies have been treated as a river of waste, a repulsive effluence which is unwanted or inconvenient, whereas the truth is that each tiny human being has been given the gift of life: a life unique, and precious in God's sight. A mother or father can repent and be forgiven, but for the babies there is no remedy.
A person who has had an abortion has only to repent, and to say 'sorry', to the Lord, and she will be forgiven. It is best if she receives the graces of the sacrament of Penance, and is thoroughly reconciled to God and the Church.
It is important that we give gentle answers to people who try to defend the practice of abortion. But we should point out the truth: that there is a remedy for mothers who have had abortions, if they are willing to repent and be forgiven. But there is no remedy for the dead babies, torn from the womb, to be thrown away.
It is important that we give gentle answers to people who try to defend the practice of abortion. But we should point out the truth: that there is a remedy for mothers who have had abortions, if they are willing to repent and be forgiven. But there is no remedy for the dead babies, torn from the womb, to be thrown away.
For the woman who has chosen to have an abortion, there is a remedy. She can repent, and receive forgiveness; but for the baby, there is no remedy. Its life has been taken away, and by the one who received the child as a gift.
We must not allow shame and embarrassment to keep us from experiencing the joy of being forgiven, after Confession. It can be embarrassing to realise how engrossed we once were in our sins, just as children are engrossed in their ecstasy at the funfair, unable to pay attention to ordinary concerns. The time has come to make a careful assessment of how we spend our time, no longer engrossed in selfish pleasures.
A woman who turns to God and repents of her abortion can find forgiveness and peace, in the knowledge that her child is safe in God's loving care
The path of love for Christ, and obedience, leads straight towards Heaven, for the faithful. Those Catholics who are disobedient or faithless take a dark, downward path. There can be an opportunity, before death, for repentance, at which the soul can be drawn up towards Heaven's light instead of falling down into Hell.
Christ looks on with horror as unborn babies are killed. Those who are merciless towards their fellow-creatures will find themselves alienated from God when they die - unless they first repent. This is especially true of those who mercilessly work to make abortion more easily available. Christ said, "The judgements you give are the judgements you will get"
It is a terrible sight for Christ to see, from Heaven, as people walk resolutely towards the flames of Hell: people who have refused to listen to His wise words about repentance and transformation: people who will be separated from Him eternally, through their own fault, if they do not repent of their sins before they die.
There is one way into Heaven, made by Christ. It is found by people who walk along the road marked out by Christ. By repentance and Baptism, people are made radiant with Divine grace, ready to walk through the gates of Heaven when they die. Even the person in mortal sin, if he descends from his isolation, can be purified and made worthy to enter.
For peace of soul, the best means is to repent of all sin and to go to Confession. The Catholic Church offers this sacrament all over the world; furthermore, in order to reach Heaven it is necessary to be reconciled with God.
Those who refuse to obey God and refuse to repent of their sins, and persist in rebellion until death, fall into Hell when they die; and although the smoke still rises up from Hell, we need to remember that Christ has already won the great war between good and evil, and the evil one has been thrown into the depths.
If we could see into a tunnel where a train has crashed we would see helpless people, in darkness, in desperate need of outside help; and so it is with people trapped in mortal sin. They are in desperate need of the Divine grace that can bring them to repentance, with new life, hope and joy and forgiveness. They desperately need the prayers of the faithful, to help them.
When a priest has repented of a terrible sin of child abuse and has been forgiven, he might try to lead a good life; but if he is half-hearted in his efforts to make amends, he will find himself, when he dies, deep in Purgatory, far down, as if through a lengthy corridor into the bowels of the earth, undergoing a thorough preparation for Heaven.
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