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We need to examine our souls, and repent of our bad habits; for example, if we have a spirit of unkindness within our souls, always ready to spring up to say or do something offensive or hurtful, we act like that trap-door spider, in Australia, which waits until the next victim is heard approaching, just a little way above.
God does not force anyone to love or serve Him; and some people even choose sinful ways of life, and freely walk along, refusing to repent and change, even though the path leads to Hell. This is as foolish as walking along a snowy street in a well-lit town, then choosing to follow a narrow track into a snow-covered field, where it is so cold that people there will inevitably die of exposure.
If we do not repent of our sins before we die, death will result in the sudden appearance of the brilliant light of the Godhead shining down upon our lives, piercing and dividing the great cloud in which we have tried to hide away from God, hoping He doesn't see our sins. All our misdeeds will be revealed to our gaze.
Each of us should pause to ask: "Am I worthy to enter Heaven?" Heaven is a place of peace, purity, thankfulness and joy; we need to repent, and to ask God's grace in order to change, if we are still disfigured by turmoil, immorality, ingratitude or discontent. How can we praise God with the Saints unless we are like them?
In Christ's sight, a person shows lack of love and respect for Christ when he is unwilling to prepare for an intimate encounter with his Saviour and God in Holy Communion. That preparation, for all who have gravely sinned, should consist of seeking forgiveness in Confession, called the Sacrament of Penance. In a state of grace, a person approaches Christ as if clothed in a pure garment of holiness, not the filthy rags of unrepented sin.
Some people cannot be bothered to prepare for Holy Communion, or for death. It is impossible for a person befouled with serious sin to enter Heaven. It's as though, when a person has not repented, but dies, he moves towards God whilst still clothed in filthy rags, whereas those who have repented are wearing clean garments. They have been made pure and holy, by Christ, and are worthy to enter Heaven's purity and holiness.
People trapped in mortal sin are helpless to change. They need the grace of God, if they wish to repent and be made holy: grace brought through God's promptings or the intercessions of other people. It's as if they are trapped in an underground cave, waiting for a rope to be lowered, to draw them up to safety, into the light.
Older children deserve to hear the truth: "If you throw away your life - your spiritual life - by immorality, drunkenness, pornography or violence, it will be impossible to regain holiness by your own power. You can then only hope to reach Heaven one day if you receive from God the grace to repent: a grace perhaps brought to you through the prayers and penances of people who care about you.
This is what happens when the Faith is not preached in its fullness. A Bishop who has not preached about sin and repentance, Heaven and Hell, but more about self-esteem and trivial matters, will find himself in a Church which appears to be in decline, with fewer priests, fewer devotions, a faithless laity, few signs of hope, and bored school-children. The great drama of salvation, and the Real Presence of Jesus, should be preached with fervour.
Children are in moral and spiritual danger - as if near the edge of the Abyss - wherever educationalists and catechists work harder to boost self-esteem than to teach the true Faith, and where they leave out talk of sin and repentance, Heaven and Hell. They should give firm warnings against immorality, drunkenness, pornography and violence.
A person in a state of mortal sin, who is not concerned enough to repent or to try to change, is like a man running along, often stumbling, in a fog, not realising that the cloud hides a huge Abyss just in front of him. Unless he sees it, by a marvel, he will inevitably fall in and be lost.
A person in mortal sin who benefits from the prayers offered by those who live united to Christ is like a man who was running, in a fog, towards a huge Abyss. But by a marvel, the fog was blown away in time for him to see what a dangerous road he was on. If he is wise, he kneels and repents of his foolishness and pride.
It is a blessing that we now have the new Catechism of the Catholic Church to help us. Christ asks all of us to repent of our sins. But if some of the Clergy are arguing about what is sinful and what is not, they are hampering the Church's mission and failing to imitate their Divine Saviour. They are ignoring the teaching of the Pope and Bishops who have given us the Catechism to guide us.
Satan is not a figment of our imagination, but a malevolent creature who emerges from the Abyss to cause priests as well as lay persons to commit some small act of rebellion. Then he leads them on to greater betrayals of Christ and His Church, as when priests contradict the truth about sexual morality, or confirm people in their sins rather than inviting them to repent of sin.
It is only too easy for weak human beings to put themselves under Satan's influence, first, by some little sins which then lead to serious sins. He becomes their chief guide, and leader, instead of Christ. The only way of escape is through complete repentance of all sin, and then adherence to God and His laws. People in trouble deserve to hear this.
Just as a scientist, using an illuminated magnifying lens, can see hair-line cracks, and other dangers to hygiene, invisible to the naked eye, so the Lord can illuminate our souls in prayer; and the Divine, healing light that shines within our souls when we bring our sins, hurts and problems to God is a powerful means of achieving purity and holiness.
A person who wants to get to Heaven, and who is not against God, but who is not yet willing to repent, is like a man who searches for a way across the great Abyss between earth and Heaven, but is unsuccessful. To cross that great divide, we need the help of the Holy Spirit, Who comes only to those who repent of their sins, and thus allow the Spirit of purity and peace into their hearts.
In making a spiritual Communion we invite God to come into our hearts and lives in a more powerful way. If we turn to Christ, make an act of sorrow for sin, an act of trust in His love, and an act of confidence in His presence in our souls, with a reverent request for a spiritual Communion, it can be as if the clouds and the sky have parted, to let the light of Christ shine more strongly upon us, bringing His peace and joy to our souls.
Those Catholics who never frequent the sacraments, or never pray, or live trapped in mortal sin, are in great spiritual danger, with no sure hope of being carried across the Abyss to Heaven when they die. It's as if a man is walking surrounded by clouds thrown up through his own sinful ways, clouds which hide from him the sight of the Abyss in front of him, and the Heaven which lies at the other side. Unless he repents, and sees where he is heading, he will fall into the pit.
We can picture a Bishop in Purgatory, thinking of how he would re-appear to his fellow-Bishops, if he could, to say how much he now regrets his past silence on the subject of invalid Orders, and on sexual immorality - including contraceptive use. In failing to teach his flock, and failing to speak the truth to others, he has only avoided Hell because he was badly taught, when he was being catechised, and then trained to be a priest. All that the Church teaches is true.
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