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It was as a 'cloud' over the earth had been rent apart, when Jesus toured Galilee, speaking the truth about the purpose of life, the glory of the Father, the need for repentance, and for Baptism. He showed out God's nature and God's Will. He revealed the extent of Divine Love by accepting death on a Cross, rather than give up His Mission. He proved His Divinity by His miracles, above all by His Resurrection.
It is the Catholic Church which keeps asunder the cloud of ignorance and hopelessness which once covered the world. In every age, despite the sins of her members, she does what Jesus did in His earthly life. By His Spirit's guidance and power, she teaches truth, forgives, heals, prays, offers the Holy Sacrifice, helps the poor, and makes people holy.
Truly, only by His Death and Resurrection did Christ defeat sin and death; and that saving work is made present now, in what we call a sacramental manner. Hidden under the appearance of bread and wine, Jesus Christ is bodily Present with us, offering His once-for-all Sacrifice to the Father, in the Spirit.
Satan, the wicked Angel, imagined that death would defeat the 'Son of Man'. Yet Jesus conquered both death and Satan by rising from the dead. In private prayer, and at Mass where Jesus' Sacrifice is re-presented, we are right to praise and thank our Saviour for shedding His Blood on the Cross, for our sakes, and re-uniting Heaven and earth by his love and obedience.
Christ and Our Lady are ready to greet everyone who arrives in Church for Mass. Yet they also look beyond the church building, searching for those family members of the 'Communion of Saints' who rarely or never come to take part in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Truly, the Mass is the re-presentation of the unique, saving Sacrifice which Christ offered on Calvary. Here, He prays for us to His Father in Heaven, that we will be forgiven and made holy.
Our Father in Heaven denies to no-one the opportunity to know Christ, and to receive the gift of Heaven. Whether in earthly life, or at the moment of death, each person in our village hears the truth; but many say: 'To join the Church would be inconvenient', or 'To serve God will cause me trouble', or 'Life is too short to make sacrifices'. They forget the purpose of life - and our destination, which will be, eventually, Heaven or Hell.
Christ offers His sacrificial prayer from our altar whilst engulfed in the glory of the Holy Spirit, by Whose power He has been made Present amongst us: substantially Present, under the appearance of bread and wine.
Christ offers His sacrificial prayer from our altar whilst engulfed in the glory of the Holy Spirit, by Whose power He has been made Present amongst us: substantially Present, under the appearance of bread and wine.
Right from the beginning of His earthly life, Christ was aware of His origin, His Divine nature and His human nature - and His utterly free and purposeful movement forwards as He fulfilled His Heavenly Father's wishes. He knew this would mean complete self-sacrifice, and a great triumph.
At the Consecration, Christ said, of His Sacrifice on the Cross: "This is what sin did". He wants everyone to know that everyone who kills an unborn child commits a grievous sin. Each abortion is like the suffering meted out to Christ in His Passion: a crucifixion of the innocent.
Jesus is the 'Lamb of God' we adore at Mass. Jesus, Who sacrificed Himself to save us from our sins, was once a flesh and blood baby, like those being sacrificed today by abortion, often on the 'altar' of convenience and self-love, though some young women act in terror or ignorance.
Jesus is the 'Lamb of God' we adore at Mass. Jesus, Who sacrificed Himself to save us from our sins, was once a flesh and blood baby, like those being sacrificed today by abortion, often on the 'altar' of convenience and self-love, though some young women act in terror or ignorance.
It is the Will of Christ that each Mass be offered with reverence and gratitude, in accordance with the rubrics. Wherever Clergy act in 'creative' ways disobedient to the rubrics and causing distraction in other ways, those present should focus on the heart of the Mass: the Real Presence, and Christ's Sacrifice - as if with Mary at the foot of the Cross.
The Lord asked me to paint a very large picture of the Last Judgement. He asked me to show the glory of Heaven as being like a blazing light at the top of the painting. I could include a stairway to Heaven, representing the only way there: the way made by Christ through His Death and Resurrection.
The Precious Blood which is offered from our altar in sacramental form is the Precious Blood of Christ, poured out for us on Calvary, to save us. We, at Mass today, are present to that same Sacrifice: the same Blood and Body, and the same Victim, Christ.
The Precious Blood which is offered from our altar in sacramental form is the Precious Blood of Christ, poured out for us on Calvary, to save us. We, at Mass today, are present to that same Sacrifice: the same Blood and Body, and the same Victim, Christ.
Here, now, today, we are present to Calvary's Sacrifice. Christ, Really Present, prays to the Father for sinners today, just as He did on Calvary; and we can unite our prayers and works and sufferings with His, to the Father.
People who are trapped in a particular sin or sinful way of life are as if walking through a great fog, unable to see their steps clearly. When we help them by our prayers and sacrifices, we help to clear away the fog, and enable some to see the Abyss into which they might have fallen, had they continued in their sins.
Everyone will see plainly, at the Last Judgement, who, in life, has pushed people aside to save his own life, and who has sacrificed his life to help others. The true state of each soul will be revealed; and the just will be rewarded, and the damned will return to Hell.
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