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Christ unites his friends on earth in the 'Communion of Saints'. Every prayer offered through Christ touches or helps other souls.
When two people pray in the name of Christ, even if separated by distance, they are united in the communion of saints
Whoever pauses in His work, to pray - alone or in shared prayer - can glance towards Heaven, where Christ reigns with the Saints in glory.
As we asked the saints to pray for us in the liturgy, I saw the saints in glory, their hands out, as they interceded for us who prayed below.
Christ loves to bring His friends refreshment and new courage through His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Whoever adores Christ before the tabernacle or monstrance, or receives Holy Communion, can be sure that, standing very close to Christ, are His Holy Mother and all the Saints too.
Whoever praises the Father in Christ's name, in the Spirit, is united with Christ and with all the saints who worship in Heaven.
It is love for God that 'counts' in prayer. Someone who gives his entire attention to God in love and reverence might find himself rising to the 'heights' with no effort, as if on a magic carpet - unlike those who try to storm Heaven with loud demands. The Saints lean down, to encourage us all to approach God with patience and humility.
The Christ we meet in Holy Communion is as if at the 'doorway' of three areas. He is the point at which His friends of earth, Purgatory and Heaven meet. We on earth are close to Him, but not yet wholly secure; the Holy Souls are safe forever, but cannot yet 'hold' Him; the Saints share His glory, and can never lose Him.
Every time we pray the "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord" we join our voices with the saints and Angels who offer the same praise in Heaven.
Every time we pray the "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord" we join our voices with the saints and Angels who offer the same praise in Heaven.
In the cathedral, at an ordination Mass, the Father revealed something of His majesty and glory, amidst the saints.
At the 'Edge' of Heaven: I saw that Christ and His mother, with all the saints and angels, crowded forward to congratulate our priest.
The Saints and Angels are close to us in church, joining in the praises we offer to the Most Holy Trinity.
Our spiritual Communion, in the Communion of Saints, is like the connection in a conference call. We must keep the transmitter in good order, and the lines open by taking care of our souls. If we refuse to forgive anyone, for example, it's as if we deliberately walk away from God and our friends.
There are martyrs for truth in every age. These three saints - Thomas More, Charles Lwanga and Maria Goretti - stood against sin, and defended the truth of marriage, of morality, and of chastity.
There are martyrs for truth in every age. These three saints - Thomas More, Charles Lwanga and Maria Goretti - stood against sin, and defended the truth of marriage, of morality, and of chastity.
There are martyrs for truth in every age. These three saints - Thomas More, Charles Lwanga and Maria Goretti - stood against sin, and defended the truth of marriage, of morality, and of chastity.
The Communion of Saints is like a whispering gallery in a Cathedral dome that can unite those far away. Each person can choose to be 'in communion' or to board himself away. Some, half-boarded, are not full members of the Catholic Church, or half-hearted Catholics. Those completely exposed are in communion even if very far apart geographically. Those absent have chosen to live in mortal sin.
We have a living relationship with the Saints who have died, so we should talk with them, ask for their prayers, treasure their feast days, honour them through their relics and shrines and statues, and follow their example.
We have a living relationship with the Saints who have died, so we should talk with them, ask for their prayers, treasure their feast days, honour them through their relics and shrines and statues, and follow their example.
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