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Christ spoke the truth, in the Temple, about the activity in the Temple, and risked criticism and revenge. We too must speak the truth about wrong-doing in our society, rather than condone it or keep silent about offensive behaviour.
It is God Who has given each of us life, and various gifts, and promptings to do good. People who decide, on a selfish whim, to stop serving God and to fulfil their own selfish ambitions are like a chemist who, having been trained, and given responsible work to do, suddenly wanders off into the sunshine, leaving his work at a critical stage, and hindering and upsetting his colleagues. When millions act like this, we have today's world.
Whole societies allow the barbaric practice of abortion to continue, because it is hidden from sight, in clinics and hospitals; and the millions of tiny infants who are cruelly destroyed disappear, as swiftly as a tide of rubbish in a gutter when a storm causes all the debris to be swept away.
Whole societies allow the barbaric practice of abortion; yet it only continues at present because most people cannot see it being carried out since it is hidden away in clinics and hospitals. The people asking for abortions are often unconscious when it happens; and so people speak as if it is a health procedure, when it is mass slaughter.
Whole societies allow the barbarity of abortion to continue, because it is hidden away in clinics and hospitals, behind smart facades and smiling faces; but the truth is that from those smart places leaves a pile of small, dead bodies - in whatever way they are disposed of.
Long ago, people did evil. It was as though there was a thick cloud of sin covering the world - even before there was a huge river of dead babies, killed by abortion. But Christ pierced the cloud by His Incarnation. He made a way up to Heaven. He asks each of us to work beneath the cloud, in our societies, to change things for the better, until we rise up to Heaven.
It is tragic that in places where there used to be a great number of infants and older children there are now so few, because so many women have had an abortion - or more than one. Some children have no-one to play with. The playgrounds and cafes are not as joyful as in earlier years.
It is a strange era, when some doctors provide a service to certain people, showing willingness to abort their female babies. The message they send out is a terrible message. "It is all right to kill your daughters, who are worthless, and will be a drain on your family".
The truth about society is presented in all sorts of strange ways, according to the policies of celebrities, or people in Government or in medicine. It can happen that good people who want to stop the killings which inevitably occur in a war, are labelled 'peace-lovers', and applauded. Others, who want to stop abortion killings, are labelled 'single issue fanatics'.
Nursing used to be seen as a caring profession. Now, those nurses who are deeply upset by the killings which are called 'termination of pregnancy', are shunned as over-emotional, or trouble-makers, or as unsympathetic to women 'in trouble', whereas they deserve support: and the right to avoid involvement in such evil procedures.
It is only too easy for the Clergy to use the excuse of 'pastoral sensibility' to avoid speaking about moral issues that can bring death-of-soul to some parishioners, such as abortion, and to speak out only against issues that will not cause controversy or local antagonism: for example, nuclear war, the arms race, and pollution.
In societies where abortion is allowed in grave circumstances, it then becomes common-place, then is claimed as a 'right'; and this leads to the gradual approval of further types of killing, such as withdrawal of sustenance from the sick, doctor-assisted suicide, or even calls for the infanticide of children handicapped or sick. It can even lead to pro-life supporters being called religious fanatics.
It is outrageous that the laws of our country have been framed so that parental responsibility has been badly dented. Though schools need the permission of parents before a school nurse can hand out minor medication, medical officials can arrange for a girl to have an abortion - a serious operation - without her parent's knowledge.
Where abortion is freely available, many young people have adopted a hedonistic outlook, supposing that if they want to get drunk, it's their right; if they unexpectantly conceive babies, they can get rid of them; and if the Government wants them to stop having babies, they should extend the provision of free contraceptives.
Since abortion became 'abortion on demand', some men have been able to tell themselves: "If my girlfriend gets pregnant, it'll be her fault, and anyway, she can get an abortion". They lose all sense of responsibility.
If we examine the amount of rubbish which our society throws away daily, we are not surprised any longer by the rubbish by the roadside, the boxes of plastic, or the mountains of newspaper; but we should be surprised that in England about 550 little babies are thrown away every day, killed in abortion clinics.
It is a tragedy, that the legislation of abortion has led to an ever-dimishing sense of responsibility, amongst young people, for their behaviour. A woman can assure a man: "If I forget to take my pill, I can always have an abortion" - and so sex is seen merely as a leisure activity, and not as the intimacy at the heart of marriage.
People are bound to be confused, when the law-makers tell them that it is acceptable to arrange for a 24 week baby-in-the-womb to be killed by abortion, yet that the police should treat as murder the killing of a 24-week-gestation baby immediately after birth. Both killings are morally wrong.
In permitting an evil such as the killing of unborn babies, society contributes to the depressed state of many women. If encouraged to love their babies, they could have flourished, even in difficult circumstances, but having done wrong, and knowing it, many women carry a burden of guilt, made worse at every reminder, or anniversary.
When societies in which abortion is common-place offer help to poorer countries, they sometimes make their offer of aid conditional upon the adoption of immoral practices such as contraception, abortion, and sterilisation. They damage families, and foster an anti-child mentality amongst women by their extreme feminist propaganda. It is a modern form of colonialism.
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