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All who overcome their fear, to be reconciled, have a spiritual splendour so great that their souls are like palaces of marble.
All who overcome their fear, to be reconciled, have a spiritual splendour so great that their souls are like palaces of marble.
The faithful soul lives at the heart of the Holy Trinity
At the beginning of the spiritual journey, the soul resembles that part of the ocean floor which is made 'impassable' by weeds.
At the beginning of the spiritual journey, the soul resembles that part of the ocean floor which is made 'impassable' by weeds.
Wherever there are souls who are 'lit' by Christ's life and aflame with praise, it is as if God sees lights shining like diamonds across the earth.
Wherever there are souls who are 'lit' by Christ's life and aflame with praise, it is as if God sees lights shining like diamonds across the earth.
When we unite our sacrifices to Christ's offering, other souls are helped - as surely as when an injured person is lifted high out of danger.
When we pray and suffer in union with Christ, we help souls as surely as when people are rescued from a dark tunnel.
When Christ was present in the Blessed Sacrament, the sanctuary and my soul were ablaze with divine fire and glory.
In God's sight, little babies who die - before birth or after; of natural causes or abortion - are like shooting stars which flare briefly and then fall from the sky. These lives sparkled briefly before tumbling into God's care, as if into a father's arms; yet much prayer is necessary, to halt the evil of abortion by which some people do a grave wrong to the babies, and to their own souls.
In God's sight, little babies who die - before birth or after; of natural causes or abortion - are like shooting stars which flare briefly and then fall from the sky. These lives sparkled briefly before tumbling into God's care, as if into a father's arms; yet much prayer is necessary, to halt the evil of abortion by which some people do a grave wrong to the babies, and to their own souls.
In God's sight, little babies who die - before birth or after; of natural causes or abortion - are like shooting stars which flare briefly and then fall from the sky. These lives sparkled briefly before tumbling into God's care, as if into a father's arms; yet much prayer is necessary, to halt the evil of abortion by which some people do a grave wrong to the babies, and to their own souls.
When the Blessed Virgin Mary reached the end of her life, she was lifted into glory by Christ her beloved Son. Body and Soul, she entered Heaven. Christ was enfleshed of her at His conception; He could not allow her to die and be buried like sinful people.
If we are humble, repentant, loving, and faithful to Christ, His glory will shine out from our souls as if from a diamond
As our priest says: "Through Him, with Him", we pray with thousands of saintly souls, and with the whole Church.
Catholic editors have a great responsibility to see that truth is predominant in their pages, and not falsehood, heresy, or distortion that can lead souls astray and that are like stains upon the columns we read.
Catholic editors have a great responsibility to see that truth is predominant in their pages, and not falsehood, heresy, or distortion that can lead souls astray and that are like stains upon the columns we read.
If someone remains united to Christ, on the pathway to death, Christ guides that soul on the narrow way, leading her by the hand into the Fire of the Godhead in safety. The 'safest' way of walking is to have no trailing sins, like flapping garments, which can catch fire.
By an act of pure, selfless love, every minor fault is wiped out, and the soul is held 'high', in prayer, close to the Father's throne.
Showing 261 - 280 of 740