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It is strange that when so many children are given patient instruction on matters such as re-cycling, or taking exercise, there is a great silence on far more important matters, such as chastity, honesty, love for others and reverence for God - without which we endanger our very souls.
Good people work to raise awareness of the immorality of neglecting the poor. Far fewer are raising awareness - for the good of souls - of another sort of immorality, which is unchastity in all its forms, and abortion and contraception.
Christ asks us to speak out not just about the immoral causes of poverty, but about all sorts of sexual immorality, that endanger souls.
All the Holy Souls in Purgatory are needing prayer, especially those who are in the depths of Purgatory, and those who have no-one to pray for them.
All the Holy Souls in Purgatory are needing prayer, especially those who are in the depths of Purgatory, and those who have no-one to pray for them.
The light of the Holy Spirit shines in the soul of someone who prays in Jesus' name; and those earnest prayers are heard in Heaven. It took decades of prayer before Communism fell in Russia. We must not lose hope that, with persevering prayer, the evil of abortion can be overcome.
A person who approaches God in prayer with an open heart, accepting God's Will in everyday life, receives a torrent of grace to water her soul, and to pour out to refresh others. A soul closed to God becomes like a desert, and can do no good for others.
A person who approaches God in prayer with an open heart, accepting God's Will in everyday life, receives a torrent of grace to water her soul, and to pour out to refresh others. A soul closed to God becomes like a desert, and can do no good for others.
The soul full of God's grace was represented by a soft-sloping beach, washed by the warm sea. The unhappy souls were like landscapes atop a hard steep cliff. One of these unhappy souls was featureless and dull, one fearsome in its mystery, and one terrifying because it was littered with bones.
God the Father dwells in Heaven amidst the Fire of glory which He is; and it is before His throne that souls are brought for judgement. Some souls are brought to share His glory forever.
A dense cloud seems to cover those parts of the earth where there is war, which cuts off many people from God. Wherever there is conflict there is danger for souls as well as bodies. Except amongst those who stay close to God, there is immorality or hatred or revenge or other evils being worked bodily or within souls.
War can endanger or corrupt the fighters. It can even endanger the souls of the injured innocent by making them bitter or full of hate. What sort of preparation for Heaven is armed struggle and all the evils that cause war to flourish?
Row upon row of flames can be seen in the depths of Hell, where are nestled - because of their own choices - impenitent souls who lived until death in lust, pride or disobedience, or lacking compassion and love.
Every person on earth will one day arrive either in Heaven (perhaps through Purgatory) or Hell. It is our urgent duty to work for the salvation of souls.
Each of us can ask: "If Christ were standing, visible, before me, what would I be most ashamed of?" What, in our souls and lives, do we need to put right?
If the Bishops would examine their diaries, they would see what proportion of their time is spent in teaching the Faith, or directly encouraging people to put it into practice. They will be accountable to God, when they die, for the state of the souls in their care.
By the mercy of God, the souls in Purgatory can bewail their pride, or greed, or lukewarm belief, or whatever has caused them, though believers, to be ill-prepared for death.
A person who lives in selfish isolation, with a cold-hearted stance towards others, nevertheless benefits from the kind acts by which others reach out in charity. Kind people with the 'fuel' or 'fire' of love, help to keep that soul alive in his self-chosen winter.
Through the one Sacrifice of Christ, re-presented at every Mass, we are united with the Heavenly Court and the souls of Purgatory
When a new saint arrives in Heaven, the whole company greets that soul, with Christ and his mother Mary. Then the new arrival is led through the throng - like a Queen at a garden party - to meet many old friends and companions, and many Saints who have been an inspiration and example.
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