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When a faithful soul enters Heaven, she is made happy by meeting not only Christ and His Mother Mary, but also the particular Saints whose example have helped her.
A soul who is absorbed in itself, devoid of warmth towards its fellow creatures, is in a dangerous state. It resembles the frozen wastes of the Arctic, where there is little life or joy or hope.
The Lord grants the graces of repentance and conversion in different ways, to different souls. This is not only to assist different personalities, but also to show out His own power, His patience, His generosity, and His wisdom. We must persevere in prayer for others, even when there seems to be little hope.
The blessed soul who has persevered to the end, in love of Christ and her neighbour, is led by the hand by Christ, to meet the Heavenly friends who are gathered to welcome her into their company. Like them, she now wears a 'wedding garment': a white robe.
Someone who wants to prepare for Heaven should simply do the Will of God, for love of God - whether it is by labouring, teaching, serving, or praying; or simply offering up her sufferings in sickness, with Jesus, to help souls.
It is worthwhile to persist in prayer for people in need, or in great trouble, and to pray even when there seem to be few results and little help. By prayer, a fervent soul can stop another from committing worse sins. By prayer, we can even prevent dying souls from falling into Hell.
Only by the power poured down from Heaven to faithful souls, and through the work done by them to spread the Good News and to make reparation for sin, can the violence and slaughter in the world be overcome, as Heaven rejoices in every success in the war against violence and evil.
It is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love, Who carries souls to Heaven when we die. A person who hates others is plainly not full of the Holy Spirit; and if he dies in that state, he will not be able to rise up to Eternal Life.
It is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love, Who carries souls to Heaven when we die. A person who hates others is plainly not full of the Holy Spirit; and if he dies in that state, he will not be able to rise up to Eternal Life.
There is a place not far from Heaven, called Purgatory, where people arrive to prepare for Heaven. It is as if they finally take off their dirty rags, and are re-clothed like royalty; then they process to their seats, wearing crowns, to join the Saints above - through the love and mercy of God Who rewards all who die in a state of grace.
Though it is right that we travel to Lourdes to pray in the Grotto, and to other shrines, Christ invites us to make a 'grotto' of our own heart, where we can meet Our Lady and confide in her, who is at all times close to God Who dwells within us.
It is important that when we pray for other people, we pray with confidence and hope. God has foreseen everything that will ever happen. He has already taken account of our prayers, in His plans for souls, and our world. We should trust that when we ask, He helps.
Christ loves to be with us in Holy Communion, but so few of us greet Him, love Him, or offer to serve Him; many merely stare around, waiting for 'something to happen' in their souls, without any effort or commitment.
Christ loves to be with us in Holy Communion, but so few of us greet Him, love Him, or offer to serve Him; many merely stare around, waiting for 'something to happen' in their souls, without any effort or commitment.
Through being wholly united in love with the Holy Trinity, through doing God's Will and loving all those He loves, the soul is held like a child at God's heart in blissful prayer, in incomparable peace and security.
Through being wholly united in love with the Holy Trinity, through doing God's Will and loving all those He loves, the soul is held like a child at God's heart in blissful prayer, in incomparable peace and security.
A soul released from Purgatory soars like a rocket towards the distant 'sun', which is the radiance of Heaven. Each new saint approaches God in perfect humility.
The soul who is ready to enter Heaven, after Purgatory and not straight after death, kneels in awe before the Godhead, and waits for Christ and Our Lady to lead him to the Father's heart.
A person who is always anxious about his state of soul and about the likelihood of going to Heaven is like a man on holiday who charges around the aircraft, enquiring anxiously about the weather, and the time of arrival. It is best to rely on the navigator and pilot.
By the Holy Spirit, Christ is present in the baptised person's soul, shining out His love and wisdom, irradiating the soul with Divine joy and goodness.
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