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If we pray in the name of Christ, with faith in Him and in the power of His Spirit, we can be sure of holding 'outside' our souls those thoughts, temptations, demons and fears which sometimes attack us. With Christ, we are safe from them, as if behind castle walls - no matter how terrible the 'noise' of the warfare being waged by our spiritual enemies.
Two people can look at the same scene, and one feels horror - knowing a murderer is prowling around, while the other sees only the breeze blowing in the curtains - as the sun shines down. So it was, on earth, for Christ in His life-time here. There was much beauty in the world, but He came across many damaged souls, and knew that Satan was always prowling around, doing evil.
The Holy Souls have only each other for company: such sad company, as they weep, and bewail the times they wasted on earth when they might have shown more love for God or their neighbour, or might have been quicker to repent of their sins. But at least they are safe now, and grateful for safety - with Heaven to look forward to, in the end.
The Holy Souls have only each other for company: such sad company, as they weep, and bewail the times they wasted on earth when they might have shown more love for God or their neighbour, or might have been quicker to repent of their sins. But at least they are safe now, and grateful for safety - with Heaven to look forward to, in the end.
A person who rarely prays, or who prays but does not open her heart completely to Christ cannot develop an intimate friendship with Him. It is as if she declares that He is a good friend but, not trusting Him, keeps the door of her soul on the chain.
Those Holy Souls who have been helped by our prayers, and who are ready for Heaven, are like people who have been hauled up a great cliff, to arrive in joy and gratitude at the top, from which they can see Heaven's glory nearby.
Those Holy Souls who have been helped by our prayers, and who are ready for Heaven, are like people who have been hauled up a great cliff, to arrive in joy and gratitude at the top, from which they can see Heaven's glory nearby.
The Lord wants us all to know that when we pray through and with Christ in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we pray to the Father, in the Spirit, amidst the Saints, the Angels and the Holy Souls, who are united with us in our praise and thanksgiving.
All the souls in Purgatory join in our prayers, as we praise the Father, through Christ, in the Spirit, at Mass. Yet each one longs for the day when he will not only praise God but will also see Him, from amongst the Saints, who also pray with us and who enjoy the glory of God, and His beauty.
As a drug-user suffers when his supply of drugs is withdrawn, and his whole body cries out for its former source of pleasure and well-being, so a soul in Hell suffers - because of his own free choices - when, in Hell, he is suddenly without all those things that make it pleasurable and joyful to be a human being. He is without light, love, joy, peace, beauty, comfort or tenderness - all through his own fault, by his sinful choices.
By the powerful prayer we offer in the name of Jesus Christ, we can - by His grace - help to remove evil influences from the souls of people trapped in sin. Demons flee at the sound of Jesus's name, and peace is restored to the heart, soul and mind, with a renewal of innocence and trust.
An unrepentant soul who had died and was about to fall down deep into Hell was shouting out in fury at the Holy God - the only God - Whom that soul despised and Whose laws it had ignored.
Some people have travelled far, to spread the Gospel; yet we do not have to do magnificent things in order to please Christ. A simple act of love, for example - keeping someone company at a meal, or on a journey, can be as great, in Christ's sight, as the work of spreading the Gospel throughout the land, and can bring about as much good, in souls.
Those souls who live as Catholics but who never use the Sacraments of Penance are like people who never wash or clean their teeth but who imagine that they are pleasant to be with. Souls not properly purified stink before Heaven.
Some people say it is wrong to request clarity in doctrine or to criticize the words of dissenters in the Church. Truth sets us free, however. Heresy and dissent needs to be uncovered, so that people are not led astray, their souls endangered - just as a doctor is being kind when he tells a patient that he has discovered an undiscovered wound. Only by speaking about a wound can he gain consent to cure it, restoring the patient to health.
How do we gain entry to Heaven? The Godhead is like an impenetrable cloud that no-one can enter by his own efforts, or by earning entry, or bargaining, or using skills. It is entered by humble souls who surrender to God; the Holy Spirit lifts them into the heart of the Godhead, where, at the centre, they join Christ and His Saints.
When a 'child of God' offers in conversation not words of charity or compassion, but malicious gossip or salacious comments, that soul is like a holy shrine from which now emerges no spring, no living water of grace, but from which oozes drops of evil-smelling puss. Such a serious infection needs powerful help.
A sinful soul, damaged by a seriously sinful way of life, is like a bombed-out shop in a war-zone. Rubbish is strewn all over the street, from the blast: and no trading can take place until the premises have been cleaned, mended, painted, furnished and re-stocked. As kind people can make a place habitable, so the prayers of our Blessed Lady are powerfully effective in restoring souls to their earlier beauty.
The sacred Domaine in Lourdes can serve as an image of the soul of each individual. It should be kept holy. Nothing unholy should be allowed to disturb or sully its peace, purity and beauty.
The Lord illustrated for me the result of prayer. When I prayed for a troubled soul, the Lord showed me that He was sitting between me and that person, with His arm round each of us. The troubled person had been brought closer to Christ by my intercessionary prayer; and I had been drawn closer to Christ through my act of charity.
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