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I 'saw' falling straight into Hell, at death, an unrepentant soul who had kidnapped and abused a child, for his own pleasure, and with no charity towards all involved who would suffer from his actions.
I 'saw' a man falling into Hell, it seemed, as he shouted at the Lord: "How dare You do this to me!" But that angry soul had spurned the Lord's friendship and forgiveness and by his own choices had chosen to be separated from God.
A person who has welcomed the Spirit of Christ into his soul can count on the Holy Spirit to carry him across the Abyss when he dies, to meet Christ and to make his way into Heaven - even if through Purgatory. But the man who has persisted in saying to God: "I don't need you", will find, at death, that he falls into the Abyss.
It would please God if every Catholic would do what Pope Saint Pius X did, in that he loved to give glory to God by doing His Will, and worked to save souls. In every type of vocation we can give glory to God and save souls by our faithfulness and love, fulfilling the Father's Will not personal satisfaction.
Pope Pius X fought bravely against heresy, Christ said. It would be wonderful, the Lord said, if everyone could do what this Saintly Pope has done, and decide to fulfil the Father's Will, for His glory, and to save souls, rather than seeking personal satisfaction. It is sad that many Catholics criticise that Pope's life and works, and want to overturn the Church's teachings, even on moral issues.
The sick can exercise great spiritual power, with Christ. Those who resolve to be patient and to accept a special vocation can work for God and the Church, in and through their sufferings. By God's grace they can accept without resentment their pains and humiliations, as a penance for themselves and to help save other souls, in union with Christ Who won salvation for us by His patient love, in accepting the Cross.
Even someone as selfless and Christ-centered as Mother Teresa had to undergo - for her soul's sake - a long period in interior darkness. God provided her with this spiritual purification to make her perfect, as her order expanded and she experienced outward success and adulation as well as opposition.
Truly, when the priest has pronounced the words of Consecration, Jesus Christ is Present, in His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. This is Jesus, Who once appeared to Moses, in the burning bush, as fire.
When the Priest has pronounced the words of Consecration, and Jesus Christ is Sacramentally and substantially Present in His Blood and Blood, Soul and Divinity, we are very close to Our God and Saviour. Truly, this is Jesus, who once appeared to Moses, in the burning bush, as Fire.
Because of my Baptism, I am now a child of God, by the grace of Christ, whose Holy Spirit now lives within my soul. When I pray, it is as if the huge gates which hide Heaven are opened wide, when I utter the name of Jesus. The Father cannot refuse to hear the prayers offered in the name of His Son.
Just as Christ is no longer a poor carpenter, but our Radiant Saviour, and King of Heaven, so His ever-Virgin Mother, Mary most holy, is no longer a lowly peasant woman but is the Queen of Heaven. There, everyone praises the Father not only for Christ's love and compassion, but also for the amazing purity-of-soul of Christ's Virgin Mother, and for her humility and courage.
A child needs to learn that the body and soul make one unique person. The body is made alive by the soul. The soul can never die; but when it leaves the body, the body dies. Until that time, a person should feed his body with food and drink, and feed his soul with spiritual food and drink, which is Jesus Himself, 'Hidden' in the Sacred Host or chalice.
We can explain to a child that just as a car has parts, which makes it what it is, and has a purpose - to convey people along a road - and needs special fuel such as petrol, so a human being us composed of a body with a living soul or 'spirit' to make it alive. The spirit and body together are a person, whose purpose is to love God and become like Him, and whose 'fuel' is food for the body. and Holy Communion - Jesus Himself - for the soul.
As God the Father looks down upon the whole world, He sees that only a few of His children today have guarded the Kingdom of their souls. Many have let in the smoke and stench of worldly influences, and even Satan himself, the enemy.
How many souls have guarded the walls of God's kingdom within their souls? How many have not only let in the smoke and stench of worldly attitudes but even the enemy himself, the evil one, who now sits enthroned in that soul, gleefully surveying each unholy life and its activities? Very many have done so.
My soul is like a holy Temple within me, where God the Most Holy Trinity dwells. I can withdraw into that holy place whenever the worldly clamour grows too loud, or whenever I want to praise and pray to the Lord: to Jesus, or the Father or the Holy Spirit.
It is important to maintain a state of grace. Christ reminds us that the soul is a holy place, because of the Divine indwelling. We can withdraw into that place whenever the clamour 'outside' is too loud, as we work for Christ's Kingdom; and we shall find peace, comfort and refreshment, even when we are in the public eye.
Many good followers of Christ seem to live in a bright 'cloud', in the spiritual life, which prevents them from seeing or hearing their beloved Lord. He allows this, for their souls' sakes, to help them grow in faith. If they persevere, they will experience a 'birth' into the joy and glory of known union.
No-one can understand the Mind of God - or understand the whole of His Creation. But He created the world and everything on it, in His wisdom and power. He created the first man and woman, though some dispute this. He asks: Why should He not have made animals - including ape-like creatures of high intelligence - whilst making, in another part of the world, human beings with immortal souls? Truly, as the Church says, God created a man, then a woman.
We are right to pray for people in need, and to pray that they will achieve union with God. Yet there are souls who have not yet found the 'Way' which leads to God's heart. Whether through ignorance or sin they cannot yet enter the 'bright cloud'.
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