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Over the course of ten or fifteen minutes, the Lord led my soul on a journey, showing me the people who search but have not yet found the Way to Heaven, the volcano of sin which corrupts the people nearby, the far villages where people have no knowledge of Christ, the castle which represents the Catholic Church - and the little bridge to Heaven, which each of us must find and cross in order to be welcomed into the company of the Saints, forever.
A disobedient man will one day learn the truth. Thousands of souls who persist in mortal sin fall into Hell, at death; yet even people guilty of lesser sins must suffer after death, if they are not fully purified and ready for Heaven. For example: Bishops, priests and theologians who have failed to teach the Faith in its fullness or who have led others astray by their support of heretical ideas.
When a person meets Christ in a spiritual Communion, or in contemplation, it's as if she has a secret chamber - her own soul - where she can meet Christ, to adore Him, talk with Him, ask His advice, or rest in Him, even if her exterior life seems limited or restricted. Through Christ, furthermore, she can reach up to Heaven!
When we rest in silent prayer with Christ in holy Communion, or at other times, He is not offended if we briefly pay attention to something important, whether a necessary distraction or a nearby activity. Christ and the soul are like lovers, seated on a park bench, happy together, and sharing every thought.
At every Mass we praise and adore Christ the God-Man Who is Present with us at Mass: Body, Blood, soul and Divinity. He was once a flesh-and-blood baby with a beating heart like those little babies whose lives end in the womb today, when they are killed because they are held to be inconvenient or imperfect. To kill a child is to act against God, Who loves every human being, and Who even chose to share our human nature.
At every Mass we praise and adore Christ the God-Man Who is Present with us at Mass: Body, Blood, soul and Divinity. He was once a flesh-and-blood baby with a beating heart like those little babies whose lives end in the womb today, when they are killed because they are held to be inconvenient or imperfect. To kill a child is to act against God, Who loves every human being, and Who even chose to share our human nature.
Whoever 'offers up' her suffering in union with Christ in His Passion, and prays for people in need, can be sure of bringing help to sinners, or the sick or lonely, and others. It's as if those needy souls are brought close to God, in a great procession, as His healing light shines upon them - even if the one praying has no idea who is being helped.
A person's life can be seen as balanced if he believes all the truths of the Catholic Faith and tries to practice them; yet if he jettisons too much of the truth, he endangers his own soul, and might even fall away into the darkness. The boxes, here on the scales, represent our doctrines.
Some conversions take a long time. Before a lasting conversion, a person needs to go on a 'journey' to the very centre of his soul and mind. By Divine grace, he can discover his own true will. Is his will fixed on achieving pleasure, above all, or power, or physical fitness, or truth or fame? He can discover his own motives, and change them, after providential times of rest and reflection.
What a lot of work must be done by a newly-converted soul who wants to make progress in the spiritual life, and please God by every thought, word and deed. A convert's penances, prayers and mortifications are like the hard work a gardener does, who clears the ground around a new plant, and prunes it, to make it grow strong and true.
Christ our God acted with the Father and the Holy Spirit, to give life to us. As human beings, each person consisting of body and soul together, we can be certain that Christ likes us to value our bodies, and the loveliness of human beings, though not to give in to self-worship.
Despite their pain and remorse, the Holy Souls in Purgatory are happy to know of the great feasts of the Church, such as Christmas. They know that their present safety is due to the life of Christ, born on earth to die for our sins. They pray with us at every Mass, in and through Christ their Saviour.
Christ Who was born of Mary long ago, is 'born', we can say, in other ways: 'born' in each person's soul at Baptism, and 'born' on the altar at every Mass.
The Lord lifted my soul up high. He showed me that He cannot refuse the prayers offered by the Mother of God, Mary for her needy children. He showed me that she was straight away consoling a despondent person on earth, to give him great hope.
People who persist in sin, and 'drown', are doomed souls 'lost' in the ocean, and utterly lacking the grace of God which is life. Yet they will rise up at the end of time, for the Last Judgement, when the justice of God will be revealed, as well as His marvellous work of salvation.
Everyone will see plainly, at the Last Judgement, who, in life, has pushed people aside to save his own life, and who has sacrificed his life to help others. The true state of each soul will be revealed; and the just will be rewarded, and the damned will return to Hell.
For as long as life on earth endures there will always be demons gibbering in the darkness, trying to drag souls into sin. Whoever calls out to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, Mary, and asks for her prayers, will receive grace from God and be drawn towards the light of Heaven.
A person whose heart and soul is numb with lack of faith or despondency is like a person sitting covered with ice in a snow-bound landscape. The only solution is to let Divine Love into his heart, and to take a new look at his life.
Christ came from Heaven as a man: a fire of Divine Love, embodied. His presence 'melted' and changed some people, who enjoyed a new and glorious life; but other people had no desire to allow Him to 'thaw' their frozen hearts and cold souls, and reacted to Him with anger.
At the Consecration of the bread, it is changed into the Scared Body of Christ, Who is Present with us, in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity: whole and entire. His radiance shines upon all who are present there, with an outpouring of graces for those willing to receive them.
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